May 20 2011, 02:03 PM
While playing Shadowrun, everything said in a manner similar to that of Dr Orpheus is automatically made more awesome.
From calling Initiative, declaring actions or describing the blood-soaked mess in front of the players, if you do so in the "Dr Orpheus" voice, it's good.
"IIiiiii Shall CHECK the FALLEn remains of those that ASSUALTED this fine drinking establishment...AND BRing FIRE AND PAIN upon those who have ORDERED this....DESECRATION!"
"FEAR NOT, fellow compNIONS, Iiiii...Eric BLOODDrinker, shall SAVE you!"
And so on.
Seriously, trust me:)
Aether Guy
May 21 2011, 05:49 AM
So that's whats powering the new Aztechnology Arcology.
Wounded Ronin
May 21 2011, 02:41 PM
This post made me add Venture Brothers to my online rental queue.
May 23 2011, 12:52 AM
Dr Byron Orpheus, Necromancer.
Skilled in Necromancy, expert on mystic matters, realigning the cosmos, protecting man from the great unknowing, awesome fajitas.
Initatory group: The order of the Tirad (See known associates)
Resources: Mystic Library, various quasi-mystic equipment (All Seeing Orb, Tongs of Torment, etc), hedgetrimmer, access to the Venture Industries facilities on a quasi-legal basis. (Bording on the Venture Industries site)
Dependents: 1 daughter (Triana), estranged wife.
Cover: Stay-at-home Dad, occasional lecturer at community college. HAs been know to teach further afield (The New School - New York.)
Know associates:
The Alchemist (Alchemist & Jimmy Buffet fan)
Jefferson Twilight (Diabetic hunter of black vampires)
"The Mentor" (The good doctor's powerful guiding spirit, teaching Triana mystic arts as well. Odd carnal appitites.)
As soon as I mentioned this possibility, I had my entire group screaming "My contact, MINE"
Jun 6 2011, 12:45 AM
Screw that, I want Billy, Boy-Genious and Dr White. hehe
Jun 12 2011, 12:57 AM
QUOTE (Sesix @ Jun 5 2011, 06:45 PM)
Screw that, I want Billy, Boy-Genious and Dr White. hehe
put it as a group contact under "Conjectural Technologies" to save yourself karma/bp.
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