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I'm trying to come up with cost rules for an item but I'm having an incredibly hard time sorting out how to create the item for 3.5

The item is a cursed item, a badge that was supposed enable the wearer to cast Cure Critical Wounds ten times per day as a 20th level spellcaster but the process went wrong and created an item that will only allow the wearer to cast Inflict Critical Wounds 10 times per day as a 20th level spellcaster and only on the wearer.

I'm trying to figure out a base cost for the non-cursed item and price adjustments for the cursed item.

Any ideas?
… Just say it does what you say it does. You make it sound like you're using a program or something. How can 'the process go wrong'? biggrin.gif

Why do you need the price? Anyway, it's usually (Spell Level)*(Caster Level)*(1800 for Command Word)*(Charges/Day)*(0.2 per charge)=around 4*20*1800*10*0.2 (288,000).

There aren't rules for intentionally crafting cursed items, nor for their cost, that *I'm* aware of. smile.gif
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jun 4 2011, 01:19 PM) *
… Just say it does what you say it does. You make it sound like you're using a program or something. How can 'the process go wrong'? biggrin.gif

If you get a critical failure during a crafting roll, it creates a cursed item.

I'm not sure if that's a standard rule, but that's how we play it.
Oh oh OH. You mean that you *intend* the cursed effect to be inflicting wounds on the caster! smile.gif I thought you meant that you (the player/GM) had accidentally made the wrong item *out* of character—you see how that'd be insane, hehe. I'm sorry I misread you.

Okay, that's the same base price, but I'm not aware of a 'cursed modifier'. :/ Why do you need the price, anyway?

In this case, it's probably worthless (that is, it has no useful effect at all, unless you're a Negative Energy being). … If you *are* a negative energy being, it's worth 288k! If you're using random curse tables, the odds of that happening are quite low (many curses are more like 'unreliable/ineffective').
The goal is to find one of these items for a new player who is playing an undead character.

We're trying to pick one up from a wizard who may just throw the item out because it's screwed up, but we have NO idea of what the cost might be.
Ha! Yeah, in that case it's 288,000gp. From your perspective, it's not cursed anyway. If some incredibly powerful wizard did screw up this badly, he'd probably either destroy it, or be smart enough to instantly realize that the undead would pay 288,000gp for it. Either way, your character's not getting an artifact-grade item for a bargain.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jun 4 2011, 07:15 PM) *
Ha! Yeah, in that case it's 288,000gp. From your perspective, it's not cursed anyway. If some incredibly powerful wizard did screw up this badly, he'd probably either destroy it, or be smart enough to instantly realize that the undead would pay 288,000gp for it. Either way, your character's not getting an artifact-grade item for a bargain.

The plan was basically to not bring our undead friend along and offer to pay materials cost for the item if we could take it. We need a cursed item for a ritual of cleansing wink.gif
Haha, sneaky! Love the plan. However, what I understand about 3.5 is that character/party wealth is not to be munchkin'd with. If you're getting something crazy strong, it should be worth what it's worth, regardless of where/how you get it. If your dad just happened to own a sunblade, you still have to 'pay' for it. The wizard is probably smart, and the GM should be smarter, hehe.
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