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Full Version: Are the older Convention Mission Packs available anywhere?
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I know that there have been a lot of convention games over the past few years. Is there some where I can buy the PDF or printed copies of the older Convention Mission Packs?

The Shadowrun Missions have been huge hits with my local gaming group. They give me the starting point I need, that germ of an idea that has allowed me to build a long running campaign. We've played though most of Missions season 2 and 3, and will be starting season 4 soon, and I would love to have the Convention Mission Packs to work with as well.
There are only CMPs for 2010 and 2011 (seasons 3 and 4).

The concept wasn't around before then.

Seasons 1 and 2 are available for download here:

We had originally wanted to get the 2010 CMPs released earlier this year, but for a variety of reasons it never quite happened. We're hoping to get them released after the current convention season is done.
Also some of the missions ran at conventions over the years (at least some of the oens i saw) were just frameworks to make what the GM improvised match what was in the con booklet. The CMP's and regular SRM missions obviously are a lot more structured.
Well thanks Bull, I can understand production issues delaying it. That's just the way things go sometimes.

It's a real shame though, especially since several of the CMPs seem to affect the Missions for Season 4 directly... CMP 2010-03 - Ashes in particular directly leads into SRM 04-00 - Back In Business. It would be kinda hard to run those out of order. indifferent.gif

Do you have an idea calender wise when they night be available? Not looking for a promise here, I'm just not sure when you'd consider the current convention season to be done.

QUOTE (Bull @ Jun 10 2011, 09:09 AM) *
We had originally wanted to get the 2010 CMPs released earlier this year, but for a variety of reasons it never quite happened. We're hoping to get them released after the current convention season is done.

SHortly after Gen Con or Dragon*COn, would be my hope, but that's not really up to me once they're cleaned up... Then it's a matter of finding the time to get them finished in Layout and figuring out how we're packaging and selling these.

And yeah, both CMP 2010-02 Copycat Killer? and CMP 2010-03 Ashes are prequels, of sorts... Ando Muneno and I had been batting ideas around for the Ork Underground, so we fleshed some of it out there, and then followed up on the fire from Ashes. And Copycat Killer? helps establish MacCallister and some of his motivations going into Season 4 with the death of his daughter.

So yeah, I'd REALLY like to get these released. But they kept getting put on the backburner after the conventions last year as we worked feverishly to get the last few Season 3 Missions out the door, and ramp up for Season 4 (Which was a LOT of pre-production work, with figuring out the new storylines, doing a new FAQ, reworking the Faction/Affiliate system, deciding to drop Table Rating, redesigning the layout to accomodate full color, etc... smile.gif)

Plus even outside those two CMPs, there's a couple really fun adventures. CMP 2010-08 Stormcrow Undone has loose ties to War! and takes players to Bogota, so that's another nice one.

So yeah, I'd REALLY like to get these released.

Me too. A question about their format - are they formated 'rough' or do they come with art, in color and all the fancy things?

Plus even outside those two CMPs, there's a couple really fun adventures. CMP 2010-08 Stormcrow Undone has loose ties to War! and takes players to Bogota, so that's another nice one.

Well, that's nice for someone who owns War anyway - a reason to at least use that setting.

Could you, maybe, as some sort of preview, give an overview over the missions and what'S in them?

Also, how's the Orc Underground book doing?
QUOTE (hermit @ Jun 12 2011, 04:49 PM) *
Me too. A question about their format - are they formated 'rough' or do they come with art, in color and all the fancy things?

They will be fully formatted, though will be in black and white. They will include art, though it will be recycled art pulled form older product, usually. Since these are primarily promotional material for convention play, the idea was to try and save money on production by skimping on art. It will also allow us to, in theory, release them at an even lower price point than the SRM adventures. Packaging and final release, however, is handled above my pay grade.

Well, that's nice for someone who owns War anyway - a reason to at least use that setting.

It's actually a fun little adventure. The Author got an early review copy of the Bogota section of War! to work off of, so the adventure takes you through Bogota a bit as you play bodyguard for a journalist.

Could you, maybe, as some sort of preview, give an overview over the missions and what'S in them?

I'll see what I can do. At the very least, we should get the brief "blurb" descriptions up somewhere.

Also, how's the Orc Underground book doing?

Hopefully nearing completion. At this point it's all in the hands of our eBook line developer and the author. The fact that it's listed as an upcoming release in Gun Haven is a good sign though.

Haven't the CMPs already been "leaked" (such as it is) with their blurbs for those signing up for them for Origins and Gencon? Surely it shouldn't be any sort of NDA thing to just copy/paste their little sell sheets from the convention schedules.
QUOTE (Critias @ Jun 13 2011, 03:37 AM) *
Haven't the CMPs already been "leaked" (such as it is) with their blurbs for those signing up for them for Origins and Gencon? Surely it shouldn't be any sort of NDA thing to just copy/paste their little sell sheets from the convention schedules.

I believe becoming a point of distribution for official material in any capacity is an NDA no-no. Not to worry. This stuff should be coming out eventually. smile.gif

Heh. In this case, the blurbs are fine. I just need to go dig them up at some point. Sadly my free time is incredibly limited. Origins prep work is kicking the drek outta me.
They will be fully formatted, though will be in black and white. They will include art, though it will be recycled art pulled form older product, usually. Since these are primarily promotional material for convention play, the idea was to try and save money on production by skimping on art. It will also allow us to, in theory, release them at an even lower price point than the SRM adventures. Packaging and final release, however, is handled above my pay grade.

Thought as much on the cut costs part. I guess we'll see about the release price. Will the missions bepublished as a pack, or individually? Any rumors/educated guesses on that?

Hopefully nearing completion. At this point it's all in the hands of our eBook line developer and the author. The fact that it's listed as an upcoming release in Gun Haven is a good sign though.

That's good. Looking forward to that book. What I saw in Missions S4 so far was pretty nice (love that map, will there be more maps like this? Please say yes).
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