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Full Version: Mission legal
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
With all the new books that have dropped recently, can we get an idea when they will be reviewed and available for use in missions? I know most of the stuff from WAR! and Way of the Adapt is disallowed, but what about spy games and this old drone?
Previous official replies to "when is it legal" have been "When the physical book hits the bookstores, or when it gets offered for PDF-only products".

The standard "no optional rules allowed" rule applies, of course, and as you noted Way of the Adept specifically is NOT Missions-legal.

The equipment from War is allowed, it's just the optional rules that are not, as far as I know.

The PDF books are legal after a month of being out, according to the Missions Coordinator
QUOTE (sgtbarnesKY @ Jun 27 2011, 02:10 PM) *
The PDF books are legal after a month of being out, according to the Missions Coordinator

Nice. I guess I know what my first purchase at Gencon will be. Anyone going to Indy that has a Missions character who might want a totally unused Ares Desert Strike? It's going to be nice to be able to replace that beast with a nice, neat, long barrel Sig 574.
Print Books are legal when the hardcopy version hits street date.

PDF only products, such as the eBook line, are mostly legal 30 days after they are released. Any optional rules in said books are NOT legal unless otherwise stated in an updated FAQ. The main reason for the delay is both to give us a chance to catch something that is obviously broken and fix it (Either through eBook eratta, or with an FAQ update) and to give the product a chance to be picked up by the masses, since a lareg portion of Shadowrun players don't check out the website, forums, or facebook page on a daily basis and snap up new PDFs the moment they're released (shocking, I know! smile.gif)

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