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Full Version: SPOILERS Review of CMP 2011-07 Super Brawl Sunday
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Accept all spoilers, ye who enter here.

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Ironically, I'm going to break my pattern and use spoilers here, since instead of making vague comments and happy sounds, I'm actually going to discuss a few things in detail to try and figure out what exactly happened and what I can do to fix it.
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Hida Tsuzua
I played with Umaro for this adventure. For reference, most of my mission experience is 2nd season and the current CMPs.

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Edit- Tag fixing.
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Hida Tsuzua
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Just a heads up and another "thank you" to the folks who've given feedback on this puppy since the Origins run-through.

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It's a few small(ish) changes, but hopefully they can get through in time for Gencon so folks can enjoy this one more. There's no time this late in the con season to make major overhauls, but it's my hope that these few will smooth over some of the rough edges and make it more fun for everyone.
Glad we could help and thanks for taking the feedback well.
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