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Full Version: Making MMOG outline. Need your voice.
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Ok...opinion time (don't everyone rejoice at once, you surpressed sickos) grinbig.gif

I'm outlining a MMOG (massively multyplayer online game) that, for now, I'm calling CLANS.
So far, it's only an outline.
But before I go much further than this basic outline, I want to hear from folks.
Tell me any ideas that you have, as well as your opinions.

If something isn't too clear in the outline (which I'm almost certain of) let me know so I can clarify. There are bound to be little things here and there that I left out of the outline but meant to put in there.

I didn't go into pricing and statistics too heavily in this draft because this draft was just to get the ideas out. Pricing and all that will come next draft.

Alright, here they are. There are two files. Both word pad documents.
One is the outline, and the other is some basic information about battle and attacking. Most of the info is in the outline.
Oh...and I suggest you just choose to Open the files istead of saving them. It's easier.
Battle, and attacking
*whistle* quite a dry a** voice back on this one...
eh, *shrug* that's ok, I'm probably not going to get around to this for a good while anyways....though....
You kind of wonder if Windows sucked because no one said anything when Bill Gates asked, "So I'm making a new OS and here's what I'm thinking, what do you think?"
Alright, I like the part where the troops can be differentiated by what they are equipped with.

You might want to check out the Medieval Total War troop types. Spearmen kick cavalry ass, swordmen own spearmen and cavalry knocks swords down, and archers do what they do - kill at range but suck in melee.

You might want to include siege engines and mounted archers as well.

For archers, you might want to consider crossbows and arbalests.

By having armoured troops, you might want to have armour piercing munitions (crossbow quarrels) that do just as much damage against armoured troops as unarmoured ones. Of course, armour peircing ammo/weapons are more expensive.

Also I think I like the idea of having multiple troops types in my army but I would caution against using the stack type calculations (Archmage, Five Pillars, etc) or a lump sum (Utopia) but maybe a modified lump sum like for every different type of troops in your army, you get a synergy bonus perhaps.

Perhaps you can also recruit Heroes for your generals with different type of heroes being better at different stuff.
Well, I'm thinking of setting it up so that you deal with units in 2 sizes.
50 men
100 men

A unit will be either 50 or 100 men depending on how many you want. You can only recruit 50 as the lowest and as many as you want, however the units will be automatically devided into units of 100 or 50 men. (50 if you recruited like 350 units) These units won't be at a stagnat(sp) 100/50 or 0 level...they will dwindle in size. (just like Shogun: Total War)

I like the ideas of the killing circle you've got going there.(who's over who) I'll work on adding that in, as well as the suggestions on the weapons.

The heros idea is a good one...I think I would rather have them rise form lasting through battles though. That could be fun.

Thanks for the reply, it was very helpful
The reason for unit attrition in the Total War type games is that you have a valour attribute, with higher valour being better but having higher valour usually means having to fight and incur some loses (ok, this favours range units)
Yep, and I'm thinking of a valour stat for Clans too.
Since I'm already liking the idea of adding Heros by valour it could be interesting to say that you produce a Hero when any unit hits a certain level of valour.
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