Jul 8 2011, 06:32 PM
NWN2 is on sale this week on Steam. I think the last day to get it is Sunday. Its normall 20$ for the full game with all expansions, just 13.99 right now.
The single player campaign is not bad, and the two expansions are neat. I would mostly recommend it for playing multiplayer online on persistent worlds. I play on 'Sigil - City of Doors' server. The main city is Sigil, which is a extraplanar crossroads that has portals to all types of different planes of existence. The server has a pretty groovy enchanting mod that lets Magic types create all sorts of Magical gear.
I have an epic level enchanter on there named Finn. Anyone who joins and sends me a tell stating they are from Dumpshock forums will get their first two enchants FREE.
Jul 8 2011, 11:35 PM
Buy it because Justin Cherry, AKA
Nivbed, was art director.
And he is one of the finest goddamn artists on the planet. I long for the day when I can punch Obsidian in the throat and steal him for my own company.
Jul 9 2011, 12:10 AM
I wish a second game had been made with the ToEE engine. That was a good (well, aside from the publisher pushing it out early and bug-ridden) simulation of D&D, in fact, the best since the gold box days.
Never played NWN2 but 14 bucks for the whole deal makes it hard not to.
Jul 10 2011, 12:00 AM
Its only 7$ for the rest of the day.
edit: Sale is over, its back to 20$ for the Platnium pack.
Jul 11 2011, 07:57 AM
Yeah, those Steam sales are completely crazy!
Wounded Ronin
Jul 31 2011, 01:54 AM
What edition of D&D is it?
Jul 31 2011, 08:20 AM
3.5. I seem to recall reading somewhere that there's a D&D 4E video game in development, but I cannot now recall where.
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