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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
So, I picked up Section 8: Prejudice, largely on LurkerOutThere's recommendation:
QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ May 16 2011, 09:29 AM) *
QUOTE (Tanegar @ May 12 2011, 04:53 PM) *

Ooh. OK, now I'm interested. Tribes rocked.

Then you don't want Brink, you want Section 8: Prejudice.

Well, it turns out that S8 isn't all that much like Tribes. Yeah, it's got tactical combat with variable-loadout powered armor on wide-open maps, but the maps aren't as wide open as Tribes, vertical mobility (via jetpacks) isn't nearly as well integrated, and there are no flying vehicles at all. It has a couple of good points: anybody can spawn deployables without devoting precious inventory space to it, and it's easier to change loadouts on the fly. Overall, though, the gameplay isn't nearly as polished or streamlined as Tribes (or even Tribes 2, which IMO was a step down from its predecessor).

Overall, I call it Unreal Tournament with gimmicky jetpacks, rather than a worthy successor to Starsiege: Tribes. Disappointing.
Well my point stands, it's a far sight closer then the utter abomination that is brink.
I kind of like Brink. Classes are pretty well balanced, and purchasing abilities gives a good amount of customization among characters.

The costume creator is a plus, too. IMO, all multiplayer games should have a costume creator. Yes, even MMOs.
I'm going to have to disagree with you there, Brink seemed to have the medic and the soldier and then whatever you needed for the actual job. I found multiplayer horrible and clunky and all the enviroments bled together. The character designer was neat I guess but I wish they'd taken he same care on the rest of the game as they did on that.
Tribes was awesome. AWESOME.
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Aug 26 2011, 07:31 PM) *
Tribes was awesome. AWESOME.

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