Sep 8 2011, 08:15 PM
One of the few rap songs I actually like, too.Yeah, it's a rap song. Take the little 'uns away when you play this. And if you have a virgin mind, what the hell are you doing here???
Sep 13 2011, 02:58 AM
Mmm, yeah, great zombie bashing music

Thanks for the link CanRay
Sep 13 2011, 02:11 PM
Check out the character history of all the players in the game, they're actually quite interesting.
Too bad I don't know folks who have it and want to play it online, otherwise it might be a purchase. Dead Rising 2 meets Left 4 Dead.
Seriously Mike
Sep 26 2011, 07:27 AM
I'm seriously pissed off at how fast the weapons decay in this game. I'm playing as Mei and seriously, anything other than machetes is useless. Not to mention that I need to land three bloody headshots on an ordinary walker to floor him. THREE!
Sep 26 2011, 01:26 PM
Upgrade the weapons at workshop tables and they last longer.
Seriously Mike
Sep 26 2011, 01:48 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 26 2011, 03:26 PM)

Upgrade the weapons at workshop tables and they last longer.
Gee, thanks Cpt. Obvious. I have two fully-upgraded machetes, two fully-upgraded baseball bats (torch and nailbat), a "vicious scythe" and a revolver. Oh, and three levels in "bladed weapon decay reduction". Vicious scythe is scrap. One machete is at 33%. And I stupidly wasted all my Molotovs. :/
Sep 26 2011, 02:00 PM
And I take it the rum... Er, whiskey is gone too?
Seriously Mike
Sep 26 2011, 03:24 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 26 2011, 04:00 PM)

And I take it the rum... Er, whiskey is gone too?
Well, I'm stuck at the hotel with two bottles of alcohol and more opponents I can shake my whole arsenal at. I really need a shockmod.
Sep 26 2011, 03:26 PM
Well, the game is designed for multiplayer.
That part kinda was not exactly expressed properly in the advertisements or instruction manual.
Seriously Mike
Sep 26 2011, 07:56 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 26 2011, 05:26 PM)

Well, the game is designed for multiplayer.
That part kinda was not exactly expressed properly in the advertisements or instruction manual.
Oh yeah. As well as that bit about analog combat. And that means I have to replace my video card as soon as possible, to have two functional gaming computers.
Sep 26 2011, 07:58 PM
Never could figure that out.
Pity I don't know people who play online... Every time I try, well, it's like getting a Shadowrun game going, only it hasn't been 20-years of frustration yet.
Sep 26 2011, 08:36 PM
I play some games on Steam, I can friend ya

But with my third kid just a week and 2 days old, my game time is regulated to short snippets while all three kids are sleeping (between bottles/changing/etc)
Left 4 Dead 2
Bad Company 2
Sep 26 2011, 09:05 PM
Only have L4D2 for the PC. I console mostly. Thanks.
Sep 26 2011, 11:37 PM
I've been enjoying the game. Playing as Sam B since I'm solo, and the self healing was just too dang good to pass up. I've advanced to chapter 8 (some ways into act 2) and have been having a blast. Only had a few deaths that I thought were cheesy, but what can you do. I am, however, a scavenging fiend. I constantly dump weapons that are about to go and swap with something else, and don't really pay attention to the "specializations" that Sam B has with blunt weapons. Edged, blunt, guns, it's all the same. I'd offer to play in games with folks, but I'm about to delete it since I've advanced a ways into it and I yo hoed a copy of the game to see how it was.
While others call it piracy, I call it getting a real demo. I always stick to my code of not actually finishing a game that I obtain that way. But with house payment, new kid, and other responsible "adult" things I have to pay for, I like to make sure my few gaming bucks are utilized for games that I enjoy playing, whether it be solo or online with friends. Been bitten too many times with games like Spore or *sigh* Shadowrun to do it any other way.
Sep 27 2011, 02:03 AM
And I was bitten once too many times by "demo-ing" in the past myself, bloody trojans and keyloggers. I just get games for really cheap off Steam now, I just wait for a sale and pick up games for like a couple bucks or something, though that's bitten me recently as well since our comp is pretty much below min sys reqs for recent titles, especially console ports oddly enough.
I hope our family budget can afford a PSU, GPU, and a PC battery (power outages are common here, just had an all day one scheduled today) some time in my future.
Seriously Mike
Sep 27 2011, 08:11 AM
QUOTE (CanadianWolverine @ Sep 27 2011, 04:03 AM)

And I was bitten once too many times by "demo-ing" in the past myself, bloody trojans and keyloggers. I just get games for really cheap off Steam now, I just wait for a sale and pick up games for like a couple bucks or something, though that's bitten me recently as well since our comp is pretty much below min sys reqs for recent titles, especially console ports oddly enough.
It's like Shadowrun: stock up on defensive software first and be very, very careful.
Sep 27 2011, 08:25 AM
Or use a VM.
Seriously Mike
Oct 2 2011, 12:24 AM
*sigh* my dumbass flatmate deleted my save. So I started from scratch, this time instead of machetes, I use cleavers. It gets hilarious when I toss them at the Infected: "Gargleblarglefargle..."*CHONK!* Infected gets decapitated in full sprint. Then there was this one I accidentally threw my nailbat at. 600 damage, lol what.
Oct 2 2011, 12:28 AM
Critical Hits ROCK!
Also, FYI: When you get to the ones that blow up, Electrified weapons and Flaming Weapons seem to set them off with one hit every time. The rest just hurt them. And they're a waste of bullets.
Seriously Mike
Oct 2 2011, 01:00 AM
Do electrified weapons proc their effect every time? Because I noticed that the Torch ones don't - they set target on fire on critical hits only and deal fire damage from a certain character level onwards.
Oct 2 2011, 01:00 AM
Seemed to for me. But I only rented the game.
Seriously Mike
Oct 2 2011, 11:46 PM
Shock weapons proc their effects only on critical hits, however from level 12-15 or so onwards they deal extra damage every time.
Cleavers are most probably the best thrown weapons in the game. Especially when used by Mei or Logan.
Firearms may be used against Infected with noticeable effect (headshots deal half as much damage as they do to living humans, that's quite a lot). Fully upgraded Magnum or Heavy Pistol can be very useful if you can line up a shot or two.
Upgraded Shock machetes are very handy against pretty much anything - decent damage, work well against limbs, heaps of reliability (espec. when you play as Mei). You can even toss one at a Suicider, but you're better off double-tapping him with a pistol or using cleavers.
Using a massive two-handed logging axe as a thrown weapon - hilarious. Especially when it tears a whole arm off a Thug due to having fucked-up damage.
If you plan to use Meat Bait - do not throw it directly at the Suicider you're planning to use as explosives. He will feel offended and promptly explode.
Seriously Mike
Oct 16 2011, 01:16 PM
I finished the game at last. Zed's Demise (the unique katana you get in the last act) is so fucking overpowered it's hilarious. I fully upgraded it, slapped a Deathstalker mod on it, had a Deathstalker daisho (thanks to getting a similarly powerful wakizashi from one of the quests). 1600 damage up front, it can cut off the limbs of damn near everything in one shot (thugs sometimes take two or three, unless I manage a critical hit, causing the schmuck to puke his guts out). When it breaks, I have the 1400 damage Deathstalker wakizashi (blue). When that one breaks, I have THE MACHETE with Ol' Smokey mod, and another machete with Ol' Smokey mod too.
Also, landing a 500-600 dmg hit on a suicider sets him off. Good I packed a Magnum that dealt 900 dmg after upgrades.
Oct 16 2011, 03:43 PM
*Sighs* I really wish I knew people online that were willing to game... I keep trying, but it always falls apart.
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