Sep 30 2011, 07:43 PM
OK, what's the most useless piece of dialogue you can think of?
Movies that most people should at least know about count, if it's too obscure so other people probably never heard of it it does not count.
For Starters:
Rambo III(1988)
Hamid: What's that?
Rambo: It's blue light.
Hamid: What does it do?
Rambo: It turns blue.
Sep 30 2011, 08:26 PM
Egg Shen: It will come out no more!
Jack BurtonL: What huh?! What will come out no more!
Egg Shen: Come on!
Technically that movie is full of useless dialog, but I wouldn't change one bit of it.
Sep 30 2011, 08:50 PM
Transformers series:
Think about it, did you really go to that movie for the dialogue?
Not saying it was bad, just useless.
Oct 1 2011, 01:25 AM
The cartoon movie had better dialog, yes.
I still function!
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