Oct 5 2011, 07:21 PM
When I am in the forums main page, "Dumpshock Forums", and I click on the latest topic and read it, when I then return to the SubForum, say in this case Shadowrun, the post is not marked as having been read. This isn't a huge deal, but does tend to lead to me reading stuff twice. And while I am sitting a ton of free time right now, eventually I'll heal up and head back to work which will put my time at a premium.
Oct 7 2011, 05:50 PM
You have cookies enabled? How about setting IE to check for updates to the page 'Automatically' or every time? Assuming you are using IE that is.
Oct 7 2011, 06:12 PM
My tech guy is stopping by tomorrow to game, I'll have him look at your suggestion. If IE stands for Internet Explorer I am not using that, I am viewing web pages on Chrome.
Oct 15 2011, 12:16 AM
I've been getting this bug since Safari 5 (or 5.1? Lion.). I open the forum (usually 'Posts since your last visit'), and close the page when I'm done. Upon return, everything's unread.
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