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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
I've been craving, and searching, for a solid SR3 game to play in for a few weeks now, and not a lot of luck. Figure maybe someone should have one going, so I've been going through the pangs of creating a scenario, a setting, and some ideas to run a game with. It's post-SURGE, and pretty much any character-option in any of the supplements is acceptable. However... I will NOT be running it on these boards because I just can't do some of the things I'd need to do in a single threaded game. If you're interested, PM me about details, and I'll reply. The game will be 128BP characters using DocFunk's alternate magic creation system (everything adds up the same as when you don't use it, so you can still choose to just make a magic character normally). If you don't have the system and want to know it, it's on my website found in my signature.
I dig your website. Can you handle a Covert Ops / Decker?
I'm game (from Delft myself).

I'll send you a char-idea.
I can handle any character. As long as you have a background story and a character sheet, I can and will adapt my story around the characters. But before you spend too much time making a character lets make sure we have enough people interested first. I won't try running a game with fewer than 5 players, though I won't cap the number of players since I'm confident I can handle any number of players at a time.
I have both. This is a character I cycle through a number of games.
Whelp, seems I have about 6 players now, so I will work intensely on the spot we'll play now. Including adding in dice rollers so that we can roll on the boards. smile.gif
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