Oct 11 2011, 04:00 PM
Okay, so the game is a month old. I was slow to pick it up, because I thought I was done with FPS games. My video card is mediocre, I've experienced DOOM-sickness in first-person games since my mid-20's, and I'm really tired of drab brown environments and military themes.
Then, last night I got bored. I've been reading through a lot of Shadowrun material and I was in the mood for a cyberpunk-themed game. I downloaded the Hard Reset demo The cut scenes aren't that great, but the atmosphere in-game is awesome, and I can see a lot of potential in the weapon upgrade system. Has anyone else played this? I'm kind of surprised that there isn't already a topic for the game.
There's a demo on Steam (that's where I got it from) and more general info on their
site. I haven't bought the full version yet, as I've heard that the game is kind of short and I'm thinking about waiting for a Steam sale, but I highly recommend the demo.
Oct 11 2011, 04:16 PM
Thank you for telling me about this, i will commence downloading the demo immediately!
Oct 11 2011, 04:43 PM
I've had a LOT of discussion about this game at work, because me and the UI Lead both really love strange eastern european games. I like it for the atmosphere and the wierdness and how the world is interactable, but I don't like the Doom-ish/Quake-ish feeling that everything you see is an enemy. Same problem I have with a lot of FPSes, really, but most of them have running dialogue so I don't feel so utterly alone.
Oct 11 2011, 06:30 PM
UI Lead? Where do you work, if I may ask?
Oct 11 2011, 06:52 PM
WB Games Seattle. The aggregate studio made when Monolith, Snowblind, and Surreal merged. My team is part of a shared resource group called Hive that works on multiple projects at once, including stuff from the othe WB Games studios like Netherrealm and Rocksteady.
Oct 11 2011, 06:53 PM
Neat, thanks.
Oct 11 2011, 08:14 PM
QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 11 2011, 11:52 AM)

WB Games Seattle. The aggregate studio made when Monolith, Snowblind, and Surreal merged. My team is part of a shared resource group called Hive that works on multiple projects at once, including stuff from the othe WB Games studios like Netherrealm and Rocksteady.
Any chance of more cyberpunk-themed games on the way?
Oct 11 2011, 08:20 PM
While I can't comment on any projects that are currently underway or in the early planning stages, I *can* tell you that myself, the UI team, at least 20 other people in the building are either old-school Shadowrun gamers or Cyberpunk 2020 gamers who are very, very intereted in doing some dystopian sci-fi games. While I don't know WHEN those ideas will come to fruition, I'm certain there will be more coming.
Oct 11 2011, 08:23 PM
Good. The last one I bought (years ago) was this terrible German Diablo clone with a bunch of SR rip-offs called Restricted Area. So much potential awesomeness was wasted there. I'd kill for a quality random dungeon crawler in a dystopian future.
Oct 11 2011, 08:25 PM
Oh god, I played that against my better judgement. A terrible and disappointing affair.
Oct 11 2011, 08:28 PM
My actual dreamgame would be a GTA IV -style game in a futuristic city. The game already had the framework for shadowrunning (a commlink, a contact list, missions from your contacts, maintaining friendly relations with them, total freedom in exploring the city, police response to crimes), it just needs the chrome (heh, double-entendre)
Wounded Ronin
Oct 11 2011, 09:08 PM
QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 11 2011, 01:52 PM)

WB Games Seattle. The aggregate studio made when Monolith, Snowblind, and Surreal merged. My team is part of a shared resource group called Hive that works on multiple projects at once, including stuff from the othe WB Games studios like Netherrealm and Rocksteady.
So when's No One Lives Forever 3 coming out? Classic firearms get me all excited.
Oct 11 2011, 10:38 PM
These are mysteries not known to me! I know we are supposedly drastically increasing our number of games we develop at once, but specifics are not things I can talk about if I know about them, unless we've already announced games - like Gotham City Imposters or something.
Oct 11 2011, 10:43 PM
QUOTE (JonathanC @ Oct 11 2011, 03:28 PM)

My actual dreamgame would be a GTA IV -style game in a futuristic city. The game already had the framework for shadowrunning (a commlink, a contact list, missions from your contacts, maintaining friendly relations with them, total freedom in exploring the city, police response to crimes), it just needs the chrome (heh, double-entendre)
This, only with less bowling!
Darts are OK. Especially after drinking!
Oct 12 2011, 04:17 AM
QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 11 2011, 02:52 PM)

WB Games Seattle. The aggregate studio made when Monolith, Snowblind, and Surreal merged. My team is part of a shared resource group called Hive that works on multiple projects at once, including stuff from the othe WB Games studios like Netherrealm and Rocksteady.
Ahah, yet another studio I need to mail a resume and portfolio to.
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