Apr 4 2004, 11:36 AM
You know, personally, I haven't seen one since high school. But now...
Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I through a little Halo party at my house.
It's easy to do on this little patch of coral and it helps that I have 3 TVs at my place. Anyway, we were not able to pull off a 16 player frag-fest, but it wasn't a total loss either since about 12 showed up. (for the record we did have 4 tvs and 4 Boxes LANed up and ready)
So next duty day, I'm standing around waiting for some action when I get a tap on the shoulder and a finger in my face, whose owner was asking me why I didn't invite her. I was shocked to say the least.
And today she admitted that if she had the space that she would buy a tv, an Xbox and a copy of Halo. So in about 2 weeks, we're throwing another and she's invited this time.
Oh yeah, and on top of that I just convinced a friend to try Shadowrun.
But I don't know if Emily is willing the Role Play. Aw well.
Did I also mention she's a better shot then me? I'm reminded of the weapons specialist picture from SR3. Espicially the target on the wall.
Apr 4 2004, 03:34 PM
Amazingly enough, we do exist.
Apr 4 2004, 04:37 PM
Indeed there are many of us.
Apr 4 2004, 07:34 PM
I found two myself... One was my older cousin, and no way I was going to play with my cousin when I started as a teen! Now, we both live hours away from each other so its not manageable. The other had just stopped because she didn't think it was... (how did she say that again?!? Ah! Yes...) appropriate to a 25 years old girl. I kinda lost track of this one, I don't know why...
Large Mike
Apr 4 2004, 09:56 PM
Yeah, there's a good chance you'll have to sit through a roll call of female dumpshockers now. Which will suck, because there's a surprising number of them.
Jason Farlander
Apr 4 2004, 10:45 PM
A couple of years ago I ran a campaign that lasted for several months with a group of 4 players - and every player was female. Unfortunately, they all acquired boyfriends and stopped playing.
Apr 4 2004, 10:49 PM
My wife...
She introduced me to SR and to AD&D. I was a Vampire player until I met her. Actually, our group is 50:50 split male to female. (and the women are the blood-thirsty hack'n'slashers, the three of us who know the word 'subtle' are all men...)
Apr 5 2004, 09:15 AM
Current SR group has 1. Used to have 2 for a while last summer, but she got busy with military reserve duty about time of Gencon.
Apr 6 2004, 08:15 AM
Yeah, there was one on my last boat as well. But then again even though it was a carrier, it only had about less then 300 females. Most of them Officers and Chiefs (They can't join us blue shirt in non-command activities)
Oh yeah, forgot that my mom also games. But she picked that up when she entered the service as well.
You figured on this island with nothing to do, people would be looking for alterative things to do. Nope, everyone around just wants to drink. Or dive. Course, only a couple of people have been stupid enough to do both.
By the way, that's dive as in SCUBA or Snorkel, not dRive as in operating vehicle. Unfortunately people ARE stupid enough to do that.
northern lights
Apr 9 2004, 09:43 PM
dude, like GUAM???
seriously you should not be there, get an the next boat that pulls in and stowaway. ok, not the mobile bay. but you could easily stow away in the foward sonar. i used to sleep there all the time.
but get out of guam!!! and don't trade it for midway either!
and watch out for the black drip out there in westpac
there used to be lots of AD&D when we were underway, but never anything like sr and only one or two spaces for consoles, but we used to use laptops a lot.
Apr 10 2004, 01:13 PM
Chummer, look for some my other posts relating to my unique location situation.
On another related note, Halo Parties are all the rage and easy to set up.
And I've finally played Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles the way it was ment to be played: 4 players.
sable twilight
Apr 14 2004, 02:39 PM
Go to any LARP, you'll find plenty of women gamers there. As for being surprised about a woman playing Halo, the actress Julia Roberts, plays Halo. Check out this old Salon article
Deathmatch, Julia Roberts-style.
Apr 14 2004, 03:05 PM
Now that's news.
But see, I'm surprised there's one OUT HERE!!!!
You know, NO WHERE
Hey... Now here, No where.... hmmm
Apr 14 2004, 03:35 PM
I actually courted my wife largely over a MUD. We were engaged online before we were even dating IRL : )
Apr 16 2004, 12:29 PM
QUOTE (sable twilight) |
Go to any LARP, you'll find plenty of women gamers there. As for being surprised about a woman playing Halo, the actress Julia Roberts, plays Halo. Check out this old Salon article |
Julia Roberts plays Halo?
Maybe Angelina Jolie plays Battlefield Vietnam or Counterstrike too?
Apr 16 2004, 01:29 PM
who was it that played unreal tournament?
Apr 20 2004, 06:59 AM
That was me, I believe.
Apr 24 2004, 08:12 AM
And he kills another thread.
May 11 2004, 12:01 PM
QUOTE ("Pistons") |
Amazingly enough, we do exist. |
It's not true you know. Pistons is really a 60 year old fat man living in northern Oregon. It's true. Would I lie?
May 13 2004, 07:51 PM
i've got a pacifisct mage/face in my group... she's married to an ugly and doesn't care/lame pickuplines knowledge skill dwarf.
I believe she crops up every bit of frustration accumulated in real life, untill she can kick the dwarf of a roof or something ingame.
May 13 2004, 11:41 PM
Yeah, I was in shock when I met a single one, we actually dated a couple times. Hard to find but they are out there...
Large Mike
May 14 2004, 06:40 AM
Moo? On Dumpshock?
May 14 2004, 02:41 PM
Seriously. I must admit that I was totally stunned by the sheer number of women who I had the pleasure of GMing with last year at GenCon. However, I must be special, because if my home gaming group shows up at 100%, there are more girls then boys, 6 to 5. And only 1 of them is my sister.
And yeah, when did you show up Moo? Not that Im complaining =)
May 14 2004, 03:16 PM
I've been here since Deep Resonance, just never really felt like talking. I'm using DSF to do character creation for my BYOC game at GenCon.
And I still say Pistons is a guy. I have pictures. or something.
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