Nov 8 2011, 09:36 PM
So, after whining and complaining,
I finally got my cane.And, as was expected, heavy additional fees were included for getting something from the US. This is why Canadians don't shop online, folks. We get jammed with additional fees all the time.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Nov 8 2011, 09:39 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 8 2011, 02:36 PM)

So, after whining and complaining,
I finally got my cane.And, as was expected, heavy additional fees were included for getting something from the US. This is why Canadians don't shop online, folks. We get jammed with additional fees all the time.
Congratulations... And Condolences...
Nov 8 2011, 09:40 PM
Hardest part was finding a skull cane that didn't have a sword inside. I'm pretty sure that Customs wouldn't have let that fly.
Nov 8 2011, 10:06 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 8 2011, 09:40 PM)

Hardest part was finding a skull cane that didn't have a sword inside. I'm pretty sure that Customs wouldn't have let that fly.
really? you guys have a prohibition on such a device?
Nov 8 2011, 10:11 PM
Cool cane.
And thanks for the store link. I think I know where I'm shopping for Christmas this year.

Nov 8 2011, 10:12 PM
QUOTE (Daylen @ Nov 8 2011, 05:06 PM)

really? you guys have a prohibition on such a device?
I'm fairly certain most places in the US have prohibitions on swords and sword canes.
Nov 8 2011, 10:14 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Nov 8 2011, 11:12 PM)

I'm fairly certain most places in the US have prohibitions on swords and sword canes.
No, just on carrying them in public.
Nov 8 2011, 10:30 PM
That's sort of implicit in the concept of a sword cane.
Nov 8 2011, 11:00 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Nov 8 2011, 02:12 PM)

I'm fairly certain most places in the US have prohibitions on swords and sword canes.
It's about your local laws on open and concealed carry. A cane-sword is considered a concealed weapon. A good friend of mine is a certified Cane Master and loves that his combat cane is not considered a weapon. If he was ever put into a position where he was forced to use it then I assume it would be viewed differently.
Nov 8 2011, 11:17 PM
I'm also not too sure about Canadian Knife Laws, but I think it might be a "smidgen" too long to carry normally, even if not concealed.

Don't forget that Sir Terry Pratchett can't carry his sword because of Knife Laws in England.
Nov 8 2011, 11:37 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 9 2011, 12:17 AM)

I'm also not too sure about Canadian Knife Laws, but I think it might be a "smidgen" too long to carry normally, even if not concealed.

Don't forget that Sir Terry Pratchett can't carry his sword because of Knife Laws in England.
I take it then that you intend to use the cane daily?
He should move to the States where he could carry it if it upsets him.
Nov 8 2011, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (Daylen @ Nov 8 2011, 06:37 PM)

I take it then that you intend to use the cane daily?
He should move to the States where he could carry it if it upsets him.
If I remember correctly, when he found out he was going to be Knighted he forged his own sword for the Queen to use.. but they told him No.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 8 2011, 11:50 PM
Yes, it's always a shame when celebrities have to object the laws just like everyone else. A tragedy, really.
Nov 8 2011, 11:50 PM
No, it appears to have been after he was Knighted. The guy gets clearance to see the QUEEN in person, but can't carry a sword?
Nov 9 2011, 12:40 AM
QUOTE (Ol' Scratch @ Nov 8 2011, 11:50 PM)

Yes, it's always a shame when celebrities have to object the laws just like everyone else. A tragedy, really.
I think its more of a shame that anyone over there can't carry a sword if that's what their jollies are. The celebrity just brings light to it.
Nov 9 2011, 12:45 AM
QUOTE (Daylen @ Nov 8 2011, 07:40 PM)

I think its more of a shame that anyone over there can't carry a sword if that's what their jollies are. The celebrity just brings light to it.
I agree. Assault and murder are legitimate crimes and should be punishable, but just walking around with a sword? Come on.
Nov 9 2011, 12:46 AM
Well, there's also the fact that he's a KNIGHT OF THE REALM as well as being famous. That used to be part of the job was carrying a bloody sword around!
Nov 9 2011, 12:48 AM
The last sword cane in the news that I can think of is when the Sinister Prime Minister, Pete Nice of 3rd Base, was arrested for having one. He claimed he didn't KNOW that it had a sword in it, but, nobody bought into that.
(Of course, he later went on to open a baseball memorabelia store, where he sold fraudulent goods, so, you know, kinda has history.)
Nov 9 2011, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 9 2011, 12:46 AM)

Well, there's also the fact that he's a KNIGHT OF THE REALM as well as being famous. That used to be part of the job was carrying a bloody sword around!
He's not in the only group that used to have rights across the pond.
Nov 9 2011, 03:34 AM
It would suggest that they should take their Knighthood a little more seriously. Like, you shouldn't be able to get knighted unless you can also meet whatever requirements there are for a sword-carrying license (if no such license exists, it ought to.) I mean what does knighting even mean, if not that you are a trusted servant of the crown?
Nov 9 2011, 03:56 AM
My brother and I had an idea for a story where an ancient Thing rises up in England and modern weaponry can't hurt it. Turns out that an ancient magic means that only Knights who had sworn the proper oaths before it rose up could harm it, and then, only with swords. So, you had all these tubby old men, trying to save the UK... Sean COnnery, Elton John, etc.
It had a lot of potential, but it turns out that someone else had a similar idea and already published such a book.
Nov 9 2011, 05:32 AM
Sean Connery is far from tubby, despite being retired. He was one of the few people that was able to lug the elephant rifle around a set comfortably.
Nov 9 2011, 05:33 AM
I like that movie more than I should.
Nov 9 2011, 11:50 AM
Congrats on the cane. But it kind of reminds me of this.
Nov 9 2011, 01:00 PM
I'm currently turning a broken side sword of mine into a sword staff, it has no historical accuracy just a fun thing to do witha broken sword since I had a better version of it made by a better swordsmith.
On a similar note I'm awaiting delivery dates for a new Dane Axe I'm having made
As for swords in the UK, there are allowances made for blunted weapons for practise I cant wear mine on my hip as I would like but I dont get any trouble carrying them from practise when they are in a kit bag.
Nov 9 2011, 06:09 PM
I can get various types of swords at my FLGS/Army Surplus Store, which stocks authentic Nepal Kukris as well as other types of blades that they have for years. Just never saw much use in one.
A bit of imagination... *Slasher Smile*
Saint Hallow
Nov 9 2011, 07:27 PM
In NY, sword canes aren't allowed to be shipped to here at all. To have a sword cane in ones possession in public is considered an offense for carrying a concealed weapon.
However, if you are taking martial arts, you can carry swords, spears, batons, & etc... in a weapon case or some sort of cloth tube/bag & transport the weapon(s) to/from your dojo/training center.
Nov 11 2011, 08:21 AM
QUOTE (Saint Hallow @ Nov 9 2011, 02:27 PM)

In NY, sword canes aren't allowed to be shipped to here at all. To have a sword cane in ones possession in public is considered an offense for carrying a concealed weapon.
It's also a felony charge in NY to carry any concealed weapon over 6ft in length.
Nov 11 2011, 03:36 PM
QUOTE (Tech_Rat @ Nov 11 2011, 04:21 AM)

It's also a felony charge in NY to carry any concealed weapon over 6ft in length.
So, Shaq can't wear a duster?
'Cause I'm 6'1", and I have no idea how to conceal a 6' weapon on myself... And if I can't figure it out...
Nov 12 2011, 01:48 AM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 11 2011, 09:36 AM)

So, Shaq can't wear a duster?
'Cause I'm 6'1", and I have no idea how to conceal a 6' weapon on myself... And if I can't figure it out...
Speaking of dusters, I need to get mine re-oiled. The wax wore out during the summer with all those rain storms...
Wounded Ronin
Nov 12 2011, 02:30 AM
QUOTE (Lansdren @ Nov 9 2011, 09:00 AM)

As for swords in the UK, there are allowances made for blunted weapons for practise I cant wear mine on my hip as I would like but I dont get any trouble carrying them from practise when they are in a kit bag.
Well, that's not so bad. A historical longsword wasn't really that sharp anyway, and you can totally crack bones with a blunt longsword properly wielded. Not speaking of using the crossguard like a pickaxe if you really wanted to punch a hole in a skull.
Furthermore, even a blunt tip can penetrate, given enough force.
I mean, if a group of youths attempted to happy slap you, but you were able to get a blunt longsword out, you could really go to town on their skulls and make them bleed all over the place.
EDIT: And since you're going to be severely legally punished anyway just for defending yourself, you might as well go all the way and execute the survivors, right? At least that way your sacrifice would be producing a net social good. That's kind of the perverse logic you end up with the UK justice system, at least based on what I hear about it and how it seems hell bent on penalizing people for defending themselves above and beyond what the people who actually commit the crimes in the first place are penalized.
EDIT 2: Recently, a friend of mine acquired an authentic Japanese gunto. We took it out and attacked some cuts of pork and so on with it. It's not terribly sharp, but it was still capable of causing good cutting trauma. It's all in your technique, I guess.
Nov 14 2011, 05:34 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Nov 12 2011, 02:30 AM)

Well, that's not so bad. A historical longsword wasn't really that sharp anyway, and you can totally crack bones with a blunt longsword properly wielded. Not speaking of using the crossguard like a pickaxe if you really wanted to punch a hole in a skull.
Furthermore, even a blunt tip can penetrate, given enough force.
I mean, if a group of youths attempted to happy slap you, but you were able to get a blunt longsword out, you could really go to town on their skulls and make them bleed all over the place.
EDIT: And since you're going to be severely legally punished anyway just for defending yourself, you might as well go all the way and execute the survivors, right? At least that way your sacrifice would be producing a net social good. That's kind of the perverse logic you end up with the UK justice system, at least based on what I hear about it and how it seems hell bent on penalizing people for defending themselves above and beyond what the people who actually commit the crimes in the first place are penalized.
EDIT 2: Recently, a friend of mine acquired an authentic Japanese gunto. We took it out and attacked some cuts of pork and so on with it. It's not terribly sharp, but it was still capable of causing good cutting trauma. It's all in your technique, I guess.
Generally speaking if its gone as bad as I actually think I need to pull something out of the kit bag I'm just going for one of my axes. Swords are fun but nothing worrys people more then a axe swinging for them in my experiance. Takes me ages to teach the newbies not to flinch when I swing for them.
Small update to my sword cane is nearly finished its now a sword staff more or les. No historical value just abit of fun.
I do wish the rules were abit less stupid, a sword cane might be a weapon but more peopel get killed by kitchen knives every day then would be killed with a sword cane in a year.
But then I am biased.
Nov 14 2011, 05:45 PM
It's based on the appearance of doing something, not actually DOING something.
That and kitchen knives are tools which are used most often legitimately, whereas a sword cane is a weapon. It's a weapon that would be mostly used in defense, but still a weapon. Just like Civilians can't get Stun Guns or Tasers in Canada. Or certain types of pepper spray.
Ironically, the strongest kind (Bear-Strength) are legal.
Wounded Ronin
Nov 14 2011, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (Lansdren @ Nov 14 2011, 01:34 PM)

Generally speaking if its gone as bad as I actually think I need to pull something out of the kit bag I'm just going for one of my axes. Swords are fun but nothing worrys people more then a axe swinging for them in my experiance. Takes me ages to teach the newbies not to flinch when I swing for them.
Small update to my sword cane is nearly finished its now a sword staff more or les. No historical value just abit of fun.
I do wish the rules were abit less stupid, a sword cane might be a weapon but more peopel get killed by kitchen knives every day then would be killed with a sword cane in a year.
But then I am biased.
Axes may have more intimidation value, but a longsword can outmanuver an axe any day. Also, if we are imagining being attacked by a bunch of chavs, you can't "bind" with an axe. "The bind overcomes all obstacles." I figure a longsword or spear would be the way to go.
This line of discussion calls to mind Lichtenauer: "With your overconfidence be moderate, do not at first try four or six."
Ha ha!
Anyway, good luck and have fun with your new blade!
Nov 26 2011, 11:33 PM
It was a big hit at JimCon!
Nov 28 2011, 06:50 PM
Nov 28 2011, 06:59 PM
If a Sword Cane won't fly in Canada, do you think that would???
Nov 28 2011, 07:31 PM
*shrugs* probably still easier to get i guess ^^
Nov 28 2011, 10:04 PM
If there's one in Canada, maybe. Getting it through Customs? *Shakes Head*
Friends of mine had a TENT caught up in Customs for Three Months because it was a "Military Item".
Nov 28 2011, 10:12 PM
Oh CanRay, you simultaneously make me want to move to Canada and stay in the Tir.
Nov 28 2011, 10:47 PM
The tent is even more hilarious as they're the Army Surplus store in the city, can get Nepalese Kukris through customs with no issues whatsoever.
Wounded Ronin
Nov 29 2011, 08:50 PM
Distribute an AR to every Canadian, so they don't have to worry about tents at the border any more.
A chicken in every pot, and a military pattern rifle leaning on the wall next to it!
Nov 29 2011, 09:52 PM
Throw the training to use it responsibly as well, and I'm game.
Dec 30 2011, 03:36 PM
Got a second cane, this one for winter. It's got a nice folding steel pick for handling Ice.
Now to only find a Bartitsu teacher that is in Manitoba, and not Saskatchewan.
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