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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Is anyone interested in playing a game based off the movie/tv show... but in Shadowruns time frame? I have just finished about 5 1/2 seasons of the show and I have been thinking about it since day one. What if Ares got the gate as part of their buy out of NASA? They continued to use it to acquire technologies to sell and to fight the Goa'uld, Shadowrun style.

This is not an announcement for a game. I am running two right now I will not start another till they are done, though one of them is nearing it's conclusion. I just want to know if there are enough people interested in this for it to be worth my time to work up a story and such.

So, is anyone interested?
I would love to do a sci-fi setting within a sci-fi setting. That would be neat.
Beast of Revolutions
Sounds awesome. I assume we would get laser weapons? Or maybe we would steal the laser weapon that MP lasers are based off of! Kickass.
Anything Shadow does I'm up for. smile.gif
I'm am SO in for this one! biggrin.gif

I've been kicking around an idea for a space/sci-fi type of campaign also. We might be able to collaborate on it as an extension or something at some point.

The fact that it's a game run by you is a bonus. I've enjoyed your style of game mastering, so I KNOW it's going to be good.
Shadow? Dibs on the Rigger? I've been wanting to rig one of those pyramids for a long time....
A Clockwork Lime
This definitely does sound interesting. If you start a game up, count me in. biggrin.gif
Beast of Revolutions
The alien rigged vehicles might be unriggable by a human rigger, since they are designed for a different kind of VCR, implanted into a different kind of nervous system. All earth VCRs are designed to be compatible with all earth vehicles, but a human rigging a Goa'uld vehicle would probably be like trying to play an Xbox game on a Playstation.
A Clockwork Lime
That's why we uncover some Ancient technology that lets us create an interpretter. Honestly, some people. biggrin.gif
By the way, I volunteer to be the one who becomes a pregnant Goa-Uld host, has an "abortion," and then gets to use all their cool alien foci.
First of all there would be no gayness like in Panzers post. The Goa'uld would not be mages or magical in anyway. I am not sure how exactly to work the story line, but it would be something like this.

The Stargate program was shutdown in 2006 after a massive combined strike from the Touri, Tokr'a and the Asgard, shattered the Goa'uld. At this point the gate was turned over to NASA to study. Then the awakening and all of the Shadowrun history happened. The gate and the threat of the Goa'uld was buried under the more immediate problems of VITAS and the eminent collapse of the US Govt. Ares catalogued the gate as "important" and then promptly stored it in a high security warehouse. In 2062 a German born scientist name Markuhm Von Braun was extracted from SK. He brought with him the remains of a Goa'uld DHD that had been in SK's possession. He convinced a VP named Alex Norman to start his own subdivision called "Gate Technologies". With a little digging the team was able to find all the notes, but none of the alien technology or Naqueda. Convinced they could make it work they used the start up money to buy a facility in Seattle’s dockyards, pier 32. Norman and Von Braun are convinced that they need to keep this project secret from Ares. If the Corp were to find out they would most likely take it away from them.

Ares and the board think Gate Technologies is a purely theoretical sciences company. They have given them a small budget and are hoping to get great returns form the brilliant Von Braun. Because of the nature of the job Norman feels hiring Shadowrunners to go off world would be the best bet. They are concerned that if they use corp. assets their cover would be blown.

Ok so I guess this is turning into a game after all. Everyone who posted up to this point has a slot if they want it.

I will make a formal OOC sometime in the next few days with the details on character creation. Please do not send me a character before then. Feel free to work up your history and such though.
I'm SOOOO in!!

I've been waiting to put my Stargate geekness to the test!

I'll be waiting for the OOC.
Digital Heroin
I'd be interested as well... *nod* If there's room and I'm wanted...
[shameless self plug] Undomesticated equines couldn't drag me away from this[/shameless self plug]
[casts summon wild horses 4] We'll see about that.

You don't get it....
Nice Teal'c quote.
Fresno Bob
I am so in.
I figured you'd get that, Shadow!

Vorhees, lets rock this!
Fresno Bob
Let the rocking begin!
I'd love to be in this if there's still space that is....
I would love to play too. Kalach shal tek! See? I even speak Goa'uld! Also I speak a little Unas, a little Phoenician, and read Sumerian with zeroes (remember the episode I referencing?)

Oh did I say I also speak Others too? "Stupidity is the beginning of wisdom." biggrin.gif
Toturi I don't know whether to applaud or cry *8->

Although bags on being taken away by Thor because they need someone to think "stupid" *8->
Digital Heroin
OK, I was gonna call geeky language guy, but I think I've been bested before trying... biggrin.gif
If I'm playing, I going Jonus/Daniel Jackson type character. biggrin.gif

Either I get to play a spirit (Daniel) or someone with cultured bioware (remember Jonus' spiffy brain tumour?)
A Clockwork Lime
If I manage to snag a slot, I think I'm going to go with a Hermetic Chaos Mage or something similiar... one with a fascination for exploring the Metaplanes but jumps at the chance to explore other planets in our own simply to see if his theories about the mana cycle are universal or simply limited to Terra Firma.

It's taking place in the Shadowrun setting afterall. I don't think Shadow really wants us to play clones of the television series. smile.gif
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime)
It's taking place in the Shadowrun setting afterall. I don't think Shadow really wants us to play clones of the television series. smile.gif

Oh for crying out loud, I'll play Hutch then!

Nobody is seriously playing the Asgard, are they? Thor, meet Thor II. biggrin.gif Now, that is some serious cloning.
Hey, wait until you see the nastiness that Omnisque brings to the table...

O'Neal: "Thor, meet Big O. He's kinda like Spock.."
Anyone who was interested in this game please post in the OOC: Gate Technologies thread.
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