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I'm going to start throwing a bunch of my stuff up on Dumpshock that I've made for my current game. A lot of it is unorganized - disconneted from how I'm using it - but possibly useful for all of you taken out of context. So far there's not much: just dossier files. But as I make up PDF templates for my other stuff such as gear & lifestyle updates ala SOTA63/64, I'll put them here as well.

Dossier Files - Note: some may be incomplete. I'll find the completed versions and update them asap.
Blackpool, John Wesley III - Corporate Research Mage
Gray-Feather, Samuel - Koshari Syndicate Chief
Hirsch, Yaniv - Retired IDF Operative
Kravic, Ivan - Hacker & Programmer
Ocampo, Maria - Koshari Syndicate Enforcer
Rastignac - French Assassin
Weissman, Saul - Corporate Scientist
Yamamoto, Koji - JIS Deep Cover Spy (within Soyokaze Transit Systems)

Screamsheets Files - Most of these are from the fictional "FastFAX" series of documents produced by Horizon - basically mini-blurbs on stuff. Some, however, are from InfoCrash, which is (in my game) a sub-board of ShadowSEA. InfoCrash has shadowtalk, FastFAX does not. (Some of these are written by people other than me, and I will credit them! However, I've usually done edits on the content to make it more appropriate for my personal game.
FastFAX #1: Seattle Public Transit - A quick lowdown on the Seattle public transit system.
FastFAX #2: An Armed Society - An article on guns in the Shadowrun world, to give players an idea of how prevalent firearms are.
FastFAX #3: The Streets of America (By Wakshaani and Adarael) - Cars and Who Drives in 2073.
FastFAX #4: Our Silent Co-Pilot (By Wakshaani and Adarael) - On GridGuide and GridLink technology.
FastFAX #5: Seattle's New Protector (By Wakshaani and Adarael) - Knight Errant Security, from a Seattle perspective.
FastFAX #7: The Arcology Commerce & Housing Enclave (By Wakshaani) - The ACHE in its current state.

Gear Updates
Coming soon!
Trying to get as much stuff up as I can before I head to Mexico on Saturday. Uploaded Fax #2 and #7, and should have the bulk of Wakshaani's stuff up tomorrow (gridguide, KE security, driving in 2072, etc)
Wow! The FastFax downloads are great Adareal! Thanks for sharing and thanks Wakshaani!
Shit updated with a few more. My next/side project to this is what I was calling State of the Art 2073, but since Catalyst has resurrected that imprint, I'm probably gonna call it something else. Universal gear/vehicle/cyberwear update. That will be some time in coming, though, since I need to do a lot more work for it.
The fastFAX are nice! Thanks to you two!

Now if only everyone would put their stuff in one place...
what're the odds more info packets will come out in the future? I find they are phenomenal as a relative newbie myself.
I am thoroughly enjoying these.
These aren't dead! I know I haven't updated them in 2 or 3 weeks, but some shit came up in my Exalted game. So I've re-written the Mass Combat rules in Exalted so my players can actually wage war without it being a giant suckfest. FastFax will be back as soon as I finish up these rules today or tomorrow.
Kanada Ten
These are really excellent. Great production value, too.
Brief update, since I realize I promised some stuff and never delivered on it...

My Shadowrun game is on hiatus for the first time in ... god, almost 10 years. As such, I've lost my immediate audience for the FastFAX project, and instead I'm focusing on a similar group of things for Exalted, since that's the game I'm running for the same crew. Sorry, folks! Some day I will come back to these...
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. I will be sure to some how steal something and incorporate it into my game!
Very nice work. Are you writing the FastFax sheets up in word then saving them as PDF's or are you doing them all in Adobe?
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