almost normal
Feb 19 2012, 07:47 PM
Saw someone is running missions there, but can't figure out who. Doesn't seem to be an official agent. Any ideas?
Feb 21 2012, 07:01 AM
Probably going to be run by a NAGA staffmember. Dunno who exactly.
NAGA being the group that runs the "ongoing campaign" RPG games at Dreamation and DexCon, North American Gaming Association or somesuch.
I'm probably playing them Fri evening and Sat mid-day and evening slots.
Mostly playing Jack the Secret Pixie I think but Old Man Jones might make an appearance.
almost normal
Feb 22 2012, 05:48 PM
Yeah, it's a little odd.
I'll try and play in a game or two of his, haven't made a missions character yet, we'll see how that goes. If you see a 6'5" bald guy with a beard and wolf ring, that'll be me.
almost normal
Feb 25 2012, 09:54 PM
Mar 2 2012, 08:20 PM
What? Wait, what time is it? And what are you doing on my kitchen table? Get out!
<waves cane, inadvertently cuts loose with a Force 8 Stunball>
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