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Full Version: Times of war
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
So trying to start a game up and would like a program to make character easier. Is there any thing out there?
Do you mean "A Time Of War," the Battletech RPG? If so, you might have better luck over on their forum. While I'm sure there's a fair amount of cross-pollination, you might be more likely to hit a dedicated fan who's coded something over there, not on a Shadowrun board.
QUOTE (Critias @ Feb 21 2012, 06:13 PM) *
Do you mean "A Time Of War," the Battletech RPG? If so, you might have better luck over on their forum. While I'm sure there's a fair amount of cross-pollination, you might be more likely to hit a dedicated fan who's coded something over there, not on a Shadowrun board.

Been there and saw nothing that is why I am posting in the non related to shadow section
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