Feb 28 2012, 04:25 AM
I'm playing in a Cthullhutech game with a rookie GM, and am loving the heck out of the system. He's using it to run a Dead Space themed campaign, but the default setting may be the most insanely diverse setting ever. There's mech suits, Aliens, Eldritch Horrors, creepy ritual magic, Telekinesis, Eva ripoffs, shapeshifting symbiotes, and Drow. Not sure why Drow, but eh, whatever. It's such a kitchen-sink setting I want to play al of it, but would be forced to base a campaign around one facet of the universe.
Anyway, what do you guys think, ever looked at it?
Feb 28 2012, 06:29 AM
Never did find a copy of the rulebook, but I very much wanted to. Now I think it's out of print, and also the creators have gone under or something.
Feb 28 2012, 02:48 PM
They were at GenCon last year. My local game store stocks and routinely sells the rule book (when I talked to the owner about CthulhuTech when bought Vade Mechum before Christmas).
Website is *
HERE*. Their *
FORUMS* are a little slow, but not dead. Wildfire (the publishers) are still selling at
DriveThruRPG and Chthonian Stars is the newest stuff they are working on.
Feb 28 2012, 03:08 PM
In Matthew's words, Wildfire has faced every possible challenge from different publishing partners. At this point they are changing strategies and pushing forward. Their next book is in the can and ready to go. Expect new things this summer.
The world is a fantastic setting, and I really enjoy writing for it and look forward to doing some work on the Shadow War level.
Tanger--if your game store orders through PSI, they can get the core book without a problem to my knowledge.
Feb 28 2012, 03:20 PM
I played a one shot. Honestly, I wasn't taken with it. It makes 'Cthulhu' a little too mundane. I found I just wasn't afraid of the bad guys; they were just more mooks. But it was fun.
Feb 28 2012, 04:41 PM
Nezumi--Fair cop. Personally, I find a lot of that depends on the GM and the level of play. At the NEG level where you are fighting Dagonite mecha, I've felt that way at times. When you delve into their natures and agendas it can be more of the classic cthulhu-horror level. Alternately, at the Arcane Underground level with Agents, it felt much more like a near future Call of Cthulhu game to me.
Feb 28 2012, 04:52 PM
The fact you can do both those things makes me happy. My group is going to do a Saturdy morning cartoon themed Tager Teen Rescue Force. They're the Eldritch Society's and they're to show the Dhanoids the true power of Friendship!
Assuming their alien symbiotes don't drive them insane.
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