Mar 25 2012, 09:38 PM
If you run a Mission, can you apply the karma and nuyen to your own missions character as if you had played it?
Mar 26 2012, 02:43 AM
Not to my knowledge--though Bull is running things now. According to the FAQ:
GMs that are part of the Catalyst Demo Team certainly do! You earn credit for every public event that you run, and the more you run,
the better your rewards! For more information, go to and sign up
Mar 26 2012, 03:14 AM
Thats a shame. Its a nice part of the Pathfinder Society rules. A gm can apply the credit for a scenario he runs to his own Society legal character. It keeps folks from having to choose between running a game or not running so their own characters can advance. No big deal, I'll just keep running my homebrew SR game and I'll just play the missions at conventions. Thanks for the reply!
Mar 26 2012, 08:04 PM
The Catalyst Demo Team credits are applicable towards mostly out-of-game stuff, like free product or discounts. I remember a CDT exclusive GM Screen was given out last year among other rewards.
Mar 28 2012, 08:42 AM
You used to back in SRM-00 days b/c the rule was you couldn't play a mod that your ran or played in before. Then with the leadership prior to Bull, they said "no", but you COULD play in a mod you ran for karma, and people play in mods more than once, but only get the nuyen/karma for the first run. I don't think this has ever been in the FAQ during any season.
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