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Full Version: Recruitment (Possibly): Government Issued
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
This is just to find out if there'd be an interest in a new game ran by me. Don't go turning in characters or even asking about char-gen rules yet, as I'll only run the game if there is a definite interest in the game.

The setting is an alternative reality. Although many of the faces will remain the same, the setting has changed. Powerful magic is still rare, as are cybernetic overloads. Nobody's even heard of Cybermancy and Initiation is something only known in small circles. Recent corp developments have led to corporate wars where they pit their best against the other corps, and this often includes cybernetic players, though at most 4.0 essence is spent. The UCAS government has been carefully grabbing intel and has even created their own R&D department to develop cybernetics to get back 'into the race' so to speak.

The year is 2064, the setting is similar, same governments, same corporations, same major individuals, but slower advancement. Magic is common enough that many force 1 and 2 spells are well known, but few are the 'super' level magic users that can channel a Force 6 spell.

The government is looking to build a team of Super Heroes, people to stop the spill over the "Shadowruns" have caused into the non-corp areas, and to stop the espionage level war games corps play on each other at the cost of innocents such as security guards and their families, or those that are kidnapped for their tech knowledge. Characters will be far superior to the norm, (Ie: normal character creation rules, no real limitations, Government will install your cyberware if you're a Sam-type), but is that enough? After all, even the best can be taken down by a mob-scene, just as even the toughest can be taken down by a barrage of assault rifles held by the security guards who wear security-grade armours from behind cover of fortified walls.

Although you 'probably' won't encounter people at your level, as PCs, of 'power', mundane offense/defense is not something to be scoffed at. GM playing smart can get you just as killed as a poorly prepared GM using cybermantic toxic dikoted ally spirits.

If I run the game, it'll be on a different Forum, Sorry, but I need alot of organization to run a game, and it could go as high as 10 threads (which would be disasterous on this forum). Each player will even have their own thread to keep track of character info. There won't be a limit to the number of players, if I get too many players, I'll just break it into multiple "teams" in the same world. But I don't want to assume people will just go to a different forum. So, if you're interested in playing a "super heroes" game, either PM me, or post here the type of character you'd consider playing. My games run FAST though, 5 posts a week is minimum, though I take weekends off to be with my wife. If you want to see examples of my games, PM me a request and I'll show you threads I run.

Huh. Sounds good. Not too much in playing superhero games, But i'm interested in trying to play that type of game. Do you allow riggers, or is it just sammy's?
Sounds interesting and I might be interested in trying it out. In such a world, you might want to introduce a sub-grade of cyberware which has the normal essence cost multiplied by 1.2 or the like and not worry about how many points it eats up. Maybe not.
Herald of Verjigorm
A) What forum are you thinking of?

B) How do adepts fit in?

and every other question is build related.
I'm interested.

Interest here. Need more data...
Sounds interesting. I'd be more than interested.
I'd like to check it out.
Responded to Sphynx already via PM but I thought I should mention here that I'm interested too.

@Herald of Verjigorm: I presume that the board the game will be played on is the one linked to in Sphynx's sig (IE: this one).
Ok, I've started the board for the game here If you're still interested, log on and make a character. Rules for character creation are there.

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