While there are some things I can't really talk about, I do try and be as open as possible about how I run Missions, so here's the deal...
The 2010 CMPs were a bit of a mess, developmentally speaking.
I got hired as Missions Developer in Mid March, 2010. The idea for the CMPs were already in place at that point, but many didn't have a writer yet, all we had were titles and a 1-2 line concept (Which we had to have to get the events registered for the cons). All 8 CMPs had to be written and ready for Origins in early June. Besides those, I also had several SRM Season 3 adventures taht were being worked on
AND I was starting to outline Season 4.
During all of this, I was learning everything mostly from scratch, and this was the same time CGL's financial and legal issues cropped up.
So the net effect is that while the adventures were good, they weren't ready for publication. They were a new idea taht year, so developmentally speaking they were all over the board. They were done in Season 3 style, with Table Ratings. A couple tied into Season 3 itself and were set in Manhattan, while others were "prequels" to Season 4 and set in Seattle, and others were in random locations. Some were done very well and highly polished, some were very last minute rush jobs.
They were playable, because convention GMs can and will roll with things and adapt things as needed. But they were not publishable. They had errors, they had typos, stats were wrong, etc. These were very, very rushed.
I had planned to go back after the cons and work on them some more, clean them up, do some heavy editing, etc... But with con season past, we began wrapping Season 3 and starting Season 4. I ended up writing the first two Missions for Season 4 and I was working on several pieces for Artifacts Unbound. I had to do the FAQ, work up the Promotion system, and to top it all off, I moved and started a new job that took up a lot of hours. And we started a whole new batch of CMPs for 2011. So I ended up badly overwhelmed, and a couple things had to go to the bottom of the pile: The 2010 CMPs, since tehy were the lowest priority.
In 2011 I ended up organizing Gen Con and Origins again as the coordinator for the last few years had stepped down. This coupled with everything else kept me crazy busy. And as usual, as soon as the cons were done for 2011, I had to start looking at 2012.
Now, the 2011 CMPs are in much better shape. I had a much better idea of what I was doing by then and had the process streamlined quite a bit. We even have a number of the CMPs laid out in PDF. But they're also not quite release ready yet. The PDFing was done mostly to make them cleaner, nicer, and easier to read for GMs and for when we sent them out to folks running at conventions. It wasn't the design we had in mind for the final release. And layout never managed to find the time to tweak them of finalize them, especially as we wanted to get the 2010 ones out first.
So where do things stand now?
The 2010 CMPs have been handed off to someone else to finish up, leaving me free to focus on new releases. He's been hammering away at them, cleaning them up, rewriting some of them, and bringing them all better in line with the Season 4 standards. But, it's a lot of editing to do, and he is just as underpaid as the rest of us, so his day job and such take priority. So it's been slow going there. It is being worked on, and we do hope to have something in the near future.
The 2011 CMPs will likewise get a look over once the 2010 ones are done. I expect they'll be much quicker, since they're in better shape.
the 2012 ones are even better organized, and we did some different stuff with them, centering two sets of 4 CMPs in different locations (London and Tir Tairngir/Portland) so taht they provide something of a mini campaign as well as working as stand alone adventures.
Now, Prime Missions are another story. They're a story of failed deadlines and some flip-flopping on what we wanted to do.
In late 2010, we contracted two writers to work on teh first two Prime Missions. Both writers missed several deadlines, and eventually backed out. I put the PMs on hold until after the conventions, because by that time con prep was in full swing. After the cons, I contracted two more writers for two new PMs. Same thing happened. In early 2012, I was looking at the Prime Mission concept and decided to shelve it for the time being. We'd already missed a year of play time, I reasoned, and my experience was that we didn't seem to have all that many players who had been promoted to Prime Runner status, so there wasn't a lot of call for the PMs, since they weren't going to be designed for regular Missions play, just the Promoted Prime Runner characters. I also knew by that point that we would likely be wrapping Season 4 up and moving to Season 5 early in 2013 to tie into some new products we were working on.
I've since changed my mind, and am going to try and get two PMs out the door by the end of the year, ideally one in September/October and one in December/January. These will partly be a test run to see how they sell, and partly a design test to see what we need to do different with them. We do hope to have these in full production for Season 5, as I expect there will be a lot more Prime Runners then.
At the end of the day, Missions suffers as something of CGL's red-headed step child. We've vastly improved production quality (In my not so humble opinion), and actual sales have improved some, but it's still a very niche product that sells very low on the CGL food chain (Being taht it generally only sells to GMs, and even then only to a select group of GMs.) And being PDF only doesn't help sales any (PDF sales are generally much, much lower than print sales). We're last in line for layout, we pay some of the lowest rates not just for CGL products, but in the industry as a whole. It's rough going.
There are some plans in the works I'm told to help promote Missions and get more use out of them. CGL has a new marketing guy who wants to do some stuff with Missions(though I can;t talk about specifics yet). We're going to be trying a few other things out in the coming year, and if successful will help give me a bit more pull to move Missions along faster and smoother.
I would also note taht sadly, the website rarely gets updated, outside of th wordpress blog on the front page. We don't really have a web guy right now (Which is a huge issue, IMO, but not something i can control). So unfortuantely the Missions information is a bit out of date. It's all I can do to get the SRM sales pages linked on the downloads page.
So all I can say is please, have patience with us, and my apologies for not communicating better. We're full on in convention season right now, and I'm organizing things as well as doing missions and freelance duty, so my free time is pretty much nil. Not an excuse, just hopefully something of an explanation.
Also, if you're on facebook, check out our
Missions Page there. I try and post information there about what we're doing and how things are going, and usually post art sneak peeks and the like when I can.