QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Aug 26 2012, 08:13 PM)

Wait . . does FASA still exist?
Iirc it never ceased to exist - the
Earthdawn license had been handled by it, in example. RedBrick had to get approval of their planned sourcebooks from FASA before releasing them.
QUOTE (Bigity @ Aug 27 2012, 06:54 AM)

Hm apparently FASA Games is Red Brick renamed with a different owner (a FASA co-creator) and James Sutton as president.
Yep. What leaves me with no faith for them, since James has released only mediocre products since he fired Carsten Damm, Angues et al. (think of
Earthdawn l Sw and
Earthdawn l Pathfinder plus
Fading Suns 2.5....).
Some more info on RB-turns-into-FASA:
RPC: These [pointing to Earthdawn, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, and 1879] are going to be your core lines?
JS: No [meaning they aren't stopping there], Demonworld is a FASA property anyway, we’re doing RPGs and tabletop miniatures, it’s about 500 skus for that alone. Blue Planet has obviously come across from RedBrick, Fading Suns as well. 1879 is an original property, Earthdawn’s a FASA property anyway, sort of come back to roost. We’re also working on four new games to be released over the next five to six years, filling in the gaps around the second world, sixth world, and eighth world of the FASA cosmology. All of those games are intended to be interlinked properly unlike with what happened to Earthdawn and Shadowrun.
RPC: You’re free to talk about it if you’d like.
JS: The second world is effectively the age of dragons. It’s high magic, it’s the birth of Earthdawn. That may end up being the last game that we’re doing because it’s dragons, it’s harder to do. They’re all to be supported with miniatures and supported, hopefully if we get it off the ground, with the tabletop platform we’ve been developing. RPGs, fiction, hopefully card games and board games if all goes well, it’s fairly ambitious. Fourth world, Earthdawn, we’ve already got that, that’s already in progress. The sixth world game we have in mind is a post-apocalyptic reset, post scourge if you’re familiar with the Earthdawn and FASA cosmology.
Every 5,000 years there’s the Mayan long calendar, so there’s a period of high magic and there’s a period of low magic. During the peak of high magic these things called horrors come out of netherspace and ravage things and things go horribly wrong for humanity usually, which is what happened in Earthdawn. Everybody went underground, wait until the magic level dropped and low and behold. Shadowrun sort of deals with that as well, it’s part of the FASA cosmology but we’re ignoring Shadowrun, completely, for obvious legal reasons. The sixth world game is effectively a post-apocalyptic. The corporations have been shattered by the horrors, there’s bikers… the whole Mad Max thing, just taken to the factor of “lots.” The eighth world game we’ll be working on… “nuke ‘em from orbit” it’s the only way to be sure.
I'm sure CGL is excited to read about their plans for a sixth world setting.