Wounded Ronin
Apr 15 2012, 03:39 AM
So, I had Splinter Cell: Conviction on Steam, and let it install itself when I went out today for a few hours.
I come back in, fire it up, and apparently I have to create some kind of online account to play the game.
Fuck no. I uninstalled it. Play time per Steam? 4 minutes.
If Ubisoft games from now on are going to require some kind of registration, fuck it. If nothing else, I don't want to have to remember yet another BS account name and password. It's less stressful for me to simply never buy another Ubisoft game again.
Apr 15 2012, 03:42 AM
Yeah, Ubisoft has gotten some infamy for this kinda thing the past few years.
If I want to buy one, I tend to get the X-box version now.
The sad thing is, the game already HAS an online registration DRM system that should be good enough. Steam. But apparently Ubisoft doesn't trust that.
Seriously Mike
Apr 16 2012, 08:11 PM
Ah, Ubisoft's bullshit DRM. I decided to brave it (since I had an ubi.com account for something way back, some BS free Far Cry offer that didn't work or other) and the game isn't bad in itself. It could have been better, though.
almost normal
May 2 2012, 05:16 PM
I havent purchased an EA or Ubisoft title since they started with the DRM and registration nonsense. Let em eat cake.
May 3 2012, 02:02 AM
I got it (on my 360), and enjoyed it. Despite the whole Splinter Cell thing being theoretically right up my alley (just look at most of my SR characters, for instance), I just never really enjoyed the earlier games in the series very much. They felt too much like work, too little like play.
But Conviction? In it I was Batman with a gun, and it was awesome. More of an action game than espionage, for sure, and I can understand how fans of the series were irritated -- and I can certainly understand Steam's extra download nonsense being off-putting -- but the game itself was a good time, in my opinion.
If you can find it for cheap some other way, it's worth it, I'd say.
May 3 2012, 02:27 AM
I really liked the original stealth-heavy games, and I also really liked action-heavy Conviction. It was quite fun to play Sam Fisher off the reservation and mad as hell. I found the co-op even more fun when coordinating with a friend. Now I'm tempted to go play some of that, but if I do so, I'll want to play a street sam right away. So easily distracted.
I find Ubisoft's approach to the PC of late to be quite off-putting, but I'm also a happy console gamer, so I just get their games on the xbox. The xbox remembers the ubisoft account, and I often forget I even have such a thing.
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Apr 15 2012, 05:42 AM)

Yeah, Ubisoft has gotten some infamy for this kinda thing the past few years.
If I want to buy one, I tend to get the X-box version now.
The sad thing is, the game already HAS an online registration DRM system that should be good enough. Steam. But apparently Ubisoft doesn't trust that.
They expect you to pay for the steam service, surrendering all your base to future changes to the service, THEN you have to prove again that you legally bought the software and give them free access to (some) of your data AGAIN? Neither DRM is free, yes?
I happily own DRM-free full-price games. It seems to work for some companies. I recently saw a "limited edition without DRM" for a game at a store, but canīt remember the name unfortunately. That will work for me if the price is still right.
May 6 2012, 04:06 PM
I found Conviction a nice refreshing air for the series, with Sam shifting to a more proactive, hunter, stance (instead of the reactive / hunted one from the originals). And the stylish way the story is told also pleased me. But Chaos Theory remains the seriesī best for me. keep playing it nowadays. (Double Agent was the worse - great ideas coupled with horrid execution)
And yeah, Ubisoft software protection model is one of the worst Ive seen.
May 6 2012, 06:44 PM
QUOTE (Ryu @ May 6 2012, 06:36 AM)

They expect you to pay for the steam service
Wait, what? Steam is free. There is no payment.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ May 6 2012, 08:44 PM)

Wait, what? Steam is free. There is no payment.
How do they pay their bills?
Seriously Mike
May 7 2012, 07:23 AM
QUOTE (Ryu @ May 7 2012, 06:59 AM)

How do they pay their bills?
I believe it's included in the game prices. Actually, I think they make most on "crazy% off" sales - when they offered GTA4 with both DLC 75% off, their profits from selling that title went up FORTY-FOLD.
That and their microtransaction system for TF2.
May 7 2012, 09:16 AM
QUOTE (Ryu @ May 6 2012, 11:59 PM)

How do they pay their bills?
I suspect publishers pay Valve to put their games on Steam. Honestly, though, I neither know nor care. All I know is that I've had Steam installed on my PC for years, and haven't paid one red cent for the service. Anyone paying for Steam itself is getting scammed.
May 7 2012, 04:29 PM
I believe there is a small fee to put games on Steam, yes. But where Valve really makes their money is the cut they take from your game when you sell it - it's a sliding scale based on the size of your operation. Companies like EA and Activision lose something like 5% of the sale price to Valve, but smaller companies lose between 30% and 40% to Valve. If you're a smaller company, Valve also dictates what price you'll be selling your game at, when it will go on sale, and such.
I love Valve and their attitudes toward how to run a company, and their crazy ideas. But make no mistake, Valve is a stone cold bitch when it comes to Steam - you play by their rules, or they don't let your game onto the system. The only people with a more hardcore attitude toward content is Xbox LIVE, and that's because it's a closed system.
May 7 2012, 06:55 PM
Well, Valve is a business, they are not the charity.

And still it is way better money for small companies than going through the usual publishing channels, which is surely why all the Indy companies are on Steam.
May 7 2012, 07:47 PM
Excellent marketing at the very least compared to Indy Channels!

Just popping up as the first thing on the screen has gotten me interested in a lot of games I'd have never seen otherwise.
May 10 2012, 12:27 AM
QUOTE (Adarael @ May 7 2012, 11:29 AM)

I believe there is a small fee to put games on Steam, yes. But where Valve really makes their money is the cut they take from your game when you sell it - it's a sliding scale based on the size of your operation. Companies like EA and Activision lose something like 5% of the sale price to Valve, but smaller companies lose between 30% and 40% to Valve. If you're a smaller company, Valve also dictates what price you'll be selling your game at, when it will go on sale, and such.
I love Valve and their attitudes toward how to run a company, and their crazy ideas. But make no mistake, Valve is a stone cold bitch when it comes to Steam - you play by their rules, or they don't let your game onto the system. The only people with a more hardcore attitude toward content is Xbox LIVE, and that's because it's a closed system.
Yeah, the main reason third party companies put up with Valve's requirements is because they usually stand to make a LOT more money then they could ever hope to on their own, even with that huge cut paid to Valve.
May 10 2012, 02:44 AM
Ugh I wish I would have read this thread sooner I'm having tons of problems trying to install Battlefield 3, damn them and their moneygrubbing paranoia. I'm seriously considering torrenting a game I bought because it would be easier to install.
May 10 2012, 05:08 AM
QUOTE (Angelone @ May 9 2012, 09:44 PM)

Ugh I wish I would have read this thread sooner I'm having tons of problems trying to install Battlefield 3, damn them and their moneygrubbing paranoia. I'm seriously considering torrenting a game I bought because it would be easier to install.
This is why I'm happy to see DRM free copies of games going out on the Kickstarted games.
May 11 2012, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 9 2012, 10:08 PM)

This is why I'm happy to see DRM free copies of games going out on the Kickstarted games.
Or just DRM free games in general. Thanks, GOG!
May 13 2012, 02:33 AM
EA has terrible customer service!
May 13 2012, 03:00 AM
QUOTE (Angelone @ May 12 2012, 09:33 PM)

EA has terrible customer service!
Amongst many other terrible things.It beat out BANK OF AMERICA!!!
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