Hi folks. I'm releasing a game this August, and I thought I'd bring it up since you might know some of my work with Catalyst or Posthuman. For example, I was the author of the recent adventure, Anarchy: Subsidized.
The game's called Farewell to Fear. It's a western fantasy setting, but our games, our stories, they're all about revolution. Our characters change the world; how you want to change the world is the first part of making your character. If you don't make change, you're doing it wrong.
We're trying to do dignity to the everyday people in our setting. One of our biggest influences is Terry Jones's Medieval Lives documentaries, which go to great lengths to emphasize how the people of the middle ages were likely far more enlightened and clever than they're generally made out. We're also pushing for a very inclusive environment. Our art will be featuring a diverse cast, in gender, people of color, physical ability, and body types.
Right now, we're less than two weeks in, and we've already doubled our initial funding goal. At our current point, I'm writing alternate rules inspired by Apocalypse World. I've decided that if we hit $14,000, I'll write a new set of rules for Farewell to Fear, using Pathfinder as the foundation. This is an exciting chance to take our game and apply more traditional rules to the setting.
Anyway, if you're interested, check out the Kickstarter. There's a video with plenty of information, and a number of updates to give you more specifics.
-David A Hill Jr
Machine Age Productions