May 11 2012, 03:21 AM
In news of my ongoing torrid affair with Steam sales, I just picked up Alan Wake for 50% off. I'm not a big survival horror fan, but I seem to recall it getting good reviews, so I thought "What the hell?" And I have to say I'm enjoying it. The whole "fight with light" thing is well done. My only major complaints are 1) the camera's view axis is canted about fifteen degrees off of Alan's direction of travel, which can make navigation troublesome, and 2) the game occasionally causes my normally-very-stable PC to bluescreen.
Bottom Line: I rate this game Good (4/5).
May 11 2012, 05:41 AM
I liked it a lot. The Downloadable-Only Sequel (Of sorts) "American Nightmare" is more action movie than horror, and might be more up your alley.
May 14 2012, 11:05 AM
I got it on the same deal, have to say Iliked it alot
I agree with your point on the navigation but aiming the light at the ground worked for me for the most part so I wasnt too worried.
As for storyline and cinematography, I cant fault it this felt to me much more a interactive movie then just a game as the story was pretty deep and the movies were good
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