No idea, but it all depends on how Copyrights and the IPs are written. It's Bicycle, so I bet they looked into that already.
All I know is that I want a set for Deadlands: Hell On Earth.
almost normal
May 23 2012, 04:20 PM
Is that the old west one?
I played the card game. It remains my favorite card game ever. Played in an RPG, and it turned out to be set in a post-apoc Fallout~esque universe.
But yeah. The girlfriend and I signed up for 2 packs already. Thanks Can!
May 23 2012, 04:43 PM
Deadlands: The Weird West is the Western one. Deadlands: Hell On Earth is the Post Apocalyptic (And is only "Fallout-Esque" in the fact that it's after the bombs. It's not 1950s retro.). Deadlands: Lost Colony is Sci-Fi.