I'm currently GMing a Shadowrun game that has been going through some upheavals: some of the players' attendance is spottier than I'd like, and one player quit the game altogether. I would like to rectify this by recruiting up to two players who are interested in running the Shadows with my group.
The game takes place over IRC, with a dice-bot. We meet notionally at 10:30 AM, EST (GMT -5) on Sundays* to begin play, so practically speaking, the game usually starts by 11. We meet in #Shadowrun on irc.sorcery.net, and the game has a Wiki, which is at present short but will (after the first run and its teething problems have been resolved - which should happen next session) begin to be updated with logs of the game.
The group currently consists of:
1: Bom, short for "Bitter Old Man." An old-timer elf (so, you know, he still looks 20) who's lived through most of the Sixth World and done a little of this, a little of that, including riding with the Ancients for a while, until they parted ways amicably. Now he owns and operates the group's communal Lifestyle, a well-fortified old junkyard out in the barrens. He's an Awakened mage with a possession tradition that I really shouldn't have permitted but did because I was newer and stupider at the time.
2: Alex, a Human Hermetic Mage. He lives in the junkyard and has a Lodge in an old storage container in the yard. He's more of a spellcasty mage than a summoner, but he can summon fairly well..
3: Angelrat, a 20-pt Amnesiac elf who appears to be 13-14ish. She speaks English and Sperethiel with a British accent, has some Face talent, hacks reasonably well, loves to stun people insensate with her taser, and has a head which is crammed full of a metric ton of unsigned betaware as well as quite a lot of probable bioware.
4: Igamaki Kotaru, who can be best summed up as a Japanese Adam Jensen, a cybernetic ninja who used to be a corp man until something Bad happened and he was hung out to dry, drifting into the company of the group.
The game is set in Seattle, in early 2072, shortly after Brackhaven ousted Strouthers and Knight Errant took over from Lone Star.
The group shares a communal Lifestyle (though this is not a requirement; you can have your own Lifestyle if you prefer,) in a junkyard owned by Bom, where he raises critters, and are known for taking in hard-luck cases, such as the stray Angelrat who was dumped in the Barrens or Kotaru. Currently they have a bounty of vehicles and no-one who can drive them well or work on them well, though a hacker who's replacing a character whose player wanted a new character has a lot of drones and the skills to use them marginally well.
Most concepts are welcome, but I'd appreciate it if you could refrain from suggesting any more mages, and a technomancer only if you really, really like the idea (I'm a bit leery about them, if only because they're yet another system). The group could use some physical brawn, or a social character, and a driving Rigger or something wouldn't hurt.
If you'd like to ask questions, you can PM me on Dumpshock, IM me over AIM (ShadowDragon8685), Skype (ShadowDragon8685), or MSN Messanger (ShadowDragon8685@hotmail.com - which is NOT a checked email address!) with AIM preferred, or you may email me (ShadowDragon8685@gmail.com,) or simply sail up on the IRC channel (#Shadowrun on irc.sorcery.net) and inquire within.
If you'd like to pitch a character, or ask questions if none of the options above appeal to you, just post in the thread below. You don't need a full character sheet to pitch a character, but I won't object if you make one, either.
*Whoops, I forgot to put the day in. Forgive me, I'm derpin'.
I'd like to apologize to the mods if this is the wrong forum, it just... Seemed like the most appropriate one. If it is wrong, could you move it?