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Full Version: A few questions regarding Missions
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hey. I have been running some games for my group in preperation for GenCon this year, and we have some questions regarding the FAQ PDF for missions.

1.) It lists that the additional rules in New Ways To Die in Arsenal are not used in SRM. Does this mean the entire section of the rules or just optional rules that are listed there?

2.) Going along with the first question, does this mean that Martial Arts are not an option for characters? I have three adepts in the group and all three have taken some level of martial arts, so I need to know to tell them if they should refund that right now or not.

3.) How easy would it be to have the players play the third year stories if they wanted more game after they have already played about half of the year four stuff? Or is that not even an option?

Please let me know the answers as soon as you can. Thanks! biggrin.gif
"The majority of the New Ways to Die chapter (p. 154, Arsenal) is not used. The two exceptions are the Recoil and Strength and the Two Weapon Melee Combat rules (p. 163, Arsenal)"

Seems pretty clear. It creates a general rule then lists the two exceptions to that rule.

Yes that means no Martial Arts.

As far as Season 3, no, once you start Season 4 there is no going back. Same rule as for Season 2 to Season 3, and Season 1 to Season 2.

Minor spoiler:
[ Spoiler ]

Thank you for the clarification. Guess I'll have to let down the adept fighter that put all of his points into martial arts.
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