QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 29 2012, 09:10 AM)
I don't get it. Care to explain?
Mostly busting OP's balls.
'Bikies' or Bikers as they're called in the states, are a pretty serious problem in Oz. Mainly due to fairly strict gun control laws. Cops are afraid of them. Biker gang rolled into my ex-girlfriends Body mod shop up in Darwin and threatened to burn her house and her shop down to the ground, for the offense of operating a piercing studio within a few miles of a Biker ink shop. Went to the cops. Nothing. Year goes by, they come back in, and tell her they'll burn her house down with her 4 month old inside it, then smash some windows and leave. That creeped her out pretty bad, especially considering she never took the kid to work. Again, cops do nothing.
According to my ex, lack of guns doesn't stop violence, it just makes the violence more personal and vicious. After all, would you rather get shot in the head, or have your guts pulled out by hand after being torn open?
Now over in America, it's a mostly laughable problem. Push a guy too hard, and he's liable to shoot everybody. So we get the weekend warriors. The fat nam vet with a cheesy ass beard, noising up the suburbs of Anytown, USA.