Jul 30 2012, 04:26 AM
Has anyone played this it seems to be my kind of game but they tend to disappoint.
Jul 30 2012, 08:16 AM
I'm watching it, but waiting to buy it when it is a bit cheaper (have too many games already, so I am not in a hurry here

But from what I have seen/read/heard (also from some who have it already), the game is really nice.

Jul 30 2012, 08:50 AM
It is a nice game. It's got a deep tech tree, customizable ships and planets, and overall a pretty involving strategic element. It does suffer from a couple of notable flaws: there's no such thing as fortification, and turns are processed simultaneously rather than sequentially. Together, this means it's basically impossible to prevent the enemy from flying a giant fleet right through your frontier and into your backfield, potentially WTFBBQing your main ship-production worlds.
Jul 30 2012, 11:32 AM
I want to jump start my own solar system then: Planets! I make a star named Kolob, part of the Mormon cosmology of the LDS church, or Kobole part of the Battlestar Galactica TV series anthology. I place in 3 or 4 planets around the one star, have one able to be inhabitable for life and give it funky names (how about Makoto, named for sailor Jupiter's alias on the Sailor Moon Universe series) and place one moon around it to be named "Chaser".
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