Feb 8 2013, 07:20 PM
Sean's friend, the one who set up the run that went bad - was he with us? Does Boots know if he's dead?
Boots is going to wait until Sean wakes up to go looking for Elinee, and I didn't want to assume a time-jump.
Boots isn't actually trying to accomplish anything on the net - he's just goofing around.
Feb 9 2013, 05:54 PM
Umaro -
Sean's friend was not at the bar. You haven't seen him since you reappeared, so
Boots has no idea if he's dead.
Feel free to bump yourself forward, nothing's going to happen until
Sean wakes up around noon the next day. I could throw a post up, but I think it would most ly be me talking about you looking at LOLCats, so better that you talk about you looking at LOLCats
Feb 9 2013, 06:07 PM
Fenris: Sorry, that was unclear - I was looking through the old posts refreshing my memory. I didn't mean "with us at the bar" I meant "with us on the run," i.e., did he get caught in that fireball?
Feb 9 2013, 06:23 PM
To clarify the "poking the ward," Boots is going to attack it and drop the hits (so that it "pings" the ward's creator). I'm assuming he finds the ward around her lodge in the same place as he's seen it before and that there wasn't someone outside the ward in order to keep moving, but let me know if not on either and I'll edit.
Feb 22 2013, 07:17 PM
Anyone still lurking around? *waves hands back and forth*
Feb 22 2013, 07:27 PM
Feb 22 2013, 08:07 PM
Feb 23 2013, 02:53 PM
Still here but at a conf all this week so don't know if I will get a chance to post
Mar 11 2013, 11:59 PM
Alright, so, I mean to be relaxed about the thread. I didn't mean to be
this relaxed
Give me a quick post so I know people are still paying attention almost a month later >.< and I'll work on picking up the thread again.
NotsoevilGM - I'm assuming your conference is over. hope it was good
Umaro - To clarify - yes,
Block was on the run with you. He's a huge Fomori, bigger than
Sean, and fell in with the twins due to the shared heritage.
Mar 12 2013, 12:19 AM
Mar 12 2013, 07:59 AM
Alive and well
Mar 12 2013, 12:42 PM
Mar 12 2013, 01:14 PM
Mar 12 2013, 03:39 PM
w00t! Alright then, I'll start getting thing wound up again. Thanks for sticking around.
Mar 23 2013, 03:46 AM
NotsoEvilGM - Go ahead and give me a research roll on the biodrones - thresholds are 6, 12, and 24 successes, and it's an extended Data Search + Browse Test (variable, 1 minute) with a -1 dice pool modifier for the specific type of information you're looking for. Every roll past the first will carry a cumulative -1 dice pool penalty, per the optional rule on extended tests with potential drawbacks to failures and glitches. Keep in mind that the information you're looking for just might not be publicly available, either.
Mar 24 2013, 05:14 PM
Searching for Biodrone information (Data Search 4 + Browse 5 - Topic 1, extended test):
8d6.hits(5) → [2,6,5,1,6,5,4,1] = (4), 4, 4 total
8d6.hits(5) → [2,3,5,2,4,6,6,6] = (4), 3, 7 total
8d6.hits(5) → [3,5,1,2,2,6,4,4] = (2), 2, 9 total
8d6.hits(5) → [3,3,4,3,5,3,6,6] = (3), 1, 10 total
8d6.hits(5) → [2,4,1,1,2,4,5,4] = (1), 0, 10 total (critical glitch on first 4 dice, will edge it down to a normal glitch)
8d6.hits(5) → [1,6,5,2,4,5,3,1] = (3), 1, 11 total
8d6.hits(5) → [2,6,2,1,5,3,4,6] = (3), 1, 12 total
8d6.hits(5) → [5,3,4,6,1,2,1,5] = (3), 1, 13 total
Mar 27 2013, 02:58 AM
NotsoEvilGM - You find hundreds of ads and postings regarding the safety and utility of biodrones, and all of them point you to contact your nearest <insert MegaCorp of choice> authorized representative for more information on care and feeding. Apparently they're not really widely released or publicly discussed at this point, still being fairly new technology. (6 Threshold)
You do find a couple of listings (12 Threshold) on various forums, indicating that people have suspected pets for their home and children of being biodrones. They report, however, that the animals act completely normal until freak accidents reveal issues, like one being caught in something equivalent to an EMP blast, and another chewing through a live power cable. The owners claim that the animals then began acting strange, and, on some who died in the incidents, general scans during disposal showed the presence of unknown cyberware that simply melted when removed. Respondents to these posts point out that it's a pretty wild conspiracy theory, and that most of the people that were posting worked for one megacorporation or another, so anything along those lines was probably limited to people that were already under 24-hour surveillance anyway.
Apr 4 2013, 04:40 PM
My computer went into the shop should be getting it back this weekend then I'll throw up a post. Sorry for the delay.
Apr 8 2013, 03:38 PM
Will post a very large number of decking rolls in the very near future, honest!
Apr 8 2013, 10:17 PM
Posted - sorry for the delay.
Apr 13 2013, 04:46 PM
Buddha72 and BishopMcQ - you can give me Perception checks. To try and represent the fact that varying people and varying objects will have different dice pool modifiers, I'll just pull off of your roll from right to left for each thing. (i.e., an assault rifle has a different dice pool modifier than a pistol than a commlink). I'm thinking this would be preferable to making separate rolls for every item that needed to be checked.
NotSoEvilDM - So, since I'm assuming you want to hack it, I'll need to know initially if you're going to 'bust the door down' or do 'probe long and slow', since that will change both the rolls involved and the time scale.
Apr 13 2013, 04:57 PM
Aiming for the slow and steady as although that will take some time, he should still be able to do it within the available time frame. Basically hack an admin account, jump in, find the relavant data, download it, edit files to hide the hack, log off.
Apr 13 2013, 09:22 PM
Perception (Invisible Castle is down)
6,1,6,5,4,4,5,2,5 = 5 hits
Rolled manually but feel free to replace it when IC is back up.
Apr 13 2013, 09:30 PM
Okay, so for starters, why don't you post a Hacking + Exploit Extended Test (14, 1 hour). Don't forget an extra +2 dice if you're running Hot Sim.
Also, please give me the rating on your Stealth program, as the system will get a roll to try and detect you when you log on.
This will give you what you need to get into the system. It's not a legit account, so it'll only work until the system is reset or until they find the chink in the programming.
Buddha72 - You'll notice something odd about the man's belt. Additionally, he's got a concealed pistol in an armslide and an ear bud. If you have any knowledge skills that would allow you to identify ranged or melee weapons, you can roll them for further information.
Apr 17 2013, 02:39 AM
Perception: 06 06 04 03 03 02 01 (2 hits)
Apr 18 2013, 06:31 PM
I will be gone on a trip till Monday so no posting. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Apr 18 2013, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (Fenris @ Apr 13 2013, 11:30 PM)
Okay, so for starters, why don't you post a Hacking + Exploit Extended Test (14, 1 hour). Don't forget an extra +2 dice if you're running Hot Sim.
Also, please give me the rating on your Stealth program, as the system will get a roll to try and detect you when you log on.
This will give you what you need to get into the system. It's not a legit account, so it'll only work until the system is reset or until they find the chink in the programming.
Running hot indeed!
Hacking 4 + Exploit 5 + improved ability 2 + hotsim 2: 3 hrs to hack
Roll 1: 6 hits, 3x1s
Roll 2: 5 hits, 1x1 (still 5 if only 12d6)
Roll 3: 3 hits, no 1s (still 3 if only 11d6)
3 hrs to hack admin account
Stealth program is rating 5.
Apr 24 2013, 05:12 AM
General note - Feel free to roll manually until Invisible Castle seems a little more stable.
BishopMcQ -
Mato will notice the concealed heavy pistol in the arm slide. Additionally, you're clear that the figure in the white suit is astrally present, as is his belt, though none of the other members of the group are. There are also four other items scattered around his body that are astrally present.
NotSoEvilDM - Opposed Roll: 3,2,1,5,3,1,1 - 1 hit, system doesn't seem to have detected you.
To clarify, you're in the system. This looks like the standard greeting node. You've got a couple of options:
- Travel to another node connected to this one (usually door-type icons).
- Analyze the node - Matrix Perception (Computer + Analyze) (pg. 228 in the main book, check the black sidebar in the upper right for suggested questions to ask). Each hit gives you the answer to a specific question about the node.
- Search the node for something specific (file, peripheral, user, etc.) (Data Search + Browse, with a threshold depending on what you're searching for)
Also, I'll need a Reality Filter roll (Reality Filter + Response) to see what you see.
Apr 24 2013, 03:41 PM
QUOTE (Fenris @ Apr 24 2013, 07:12 AM)
To clarify, you're in the system. This looks like the standard greeting node. You've got a couple of options:
- Travel to another node connected to this one (usually door-type icons).
- Analyze the node - Matrix Perception (Computer + Analyze) (pg. 228 in the main book, check the black sidebar in the upper right for suggested questions to ask). Each hit gives you the answer to a specific question about the node.
- Search the node for something specific (file, peripheral, user, etc.) (Data Search + Browse, with a threshold depending on what you're searching for)
Also, I'll need a Reality Filter roll (Reality Filter + Response) to see what you see.
Reality filter 5 + Response 4 = 3 6 6 2 2 3 4 1 6 = 3 hits
First thing he will do is check out the greeter icon for running programs esp. IC, then look for other agents/deckers in the node, then info about the node (system rating, etc.).
Computer 4 + Analyze 5 + Hotsim 2 = 1 5 6 4 5 5 2 6 2 3 2 = 5 hits
Shivan is primarily looking for the video records requested by Solid Snake. He will look around this node for that unless it is clearly just the 'webshop'. If he doesn't find anything here then he is looking for the door marked 'security' or equivalent.
Data Search 4 + Browse 5 + Hotsim 2 = 4 1 6 5 3 3 5 6 2 4 1 = 4 hits
Current link loadout:
Novatech Airwave + Novatech Navi OS + upgraded System and Firewall (Response 4, Signal 3, System 5, Firewall 4)
Running programs: Analyze (ergo) 5, Reality Filter (ergo) 5, Stealth (ergo) 5, Biofeedback filter 3, Browse 5, Exploit 5, Armor 3, Attack 4
Matrix progs: Analyze (ergo) 5, Armor 3, Attack 4, Biofeedback filter 3, Browse 5, Command 5, Decrypt 3, Edit 5, Encrypt 3, Exploit 5, Reality Filter (ergo) 5, Scan 5, Sniffer 3, Spoof 3, Stealth (ergo) 5, Track 3
Apr 28 2013, 05:45 PM
Hey, I am really behind as I've been travelling and am also moving tomorrow. I'm going to catch up with posting hopefully mid next week.
Apr 30 2013, 02:29 AM
NotSoEvilDM -
System 4 + Response 4 (8d6.hits(5)=5)You'll be at a -1 Response while in this node.
5 hits on the Matrix Perception, taking the items in the order they were tossed out:
1.) Analyze the greeter icon - Looks like a Rating 4 program custom designed to handle personal shopping and general assistance if the user isn't running a personalized Zoe app on their link. It's not an agent (i.e., doesn't have other programs loaded into it).
2.) There are currently 435 action connections to this node. 0 Admin, 4 Security, 368 Registered users, 65 Guest Accounts.
3.) There is a hidden access point in the node to another node.
4.) The Node's Firewall rating is 4.
5.) The Node's System rating is 4.
May 5 2013, 04:42 AM
While Ama is talking with the ghoul, Mato will assense him, the belt, and the 4 other astral presences. (In that order, I guess...)
8d6.hits(5)=1 Ghoul
8d6.hits(5)=3 Belt
8d6.hits(5)=4 Astral 1
8d6.hits(5)=2 Astral 2
8d6.hits(5)=3 Astral 3
8d6.hits(5)=4 Astral 4
May 5 2013, 01:49 PM
Okay, so late next week. I finished moving, so I think things should be a little less chaotic.
Boots is assensing
Sean and specifically trying to figure out if
Sean contains his spirit formula. 3 hits
May 6 2013, 04:35 PM
Karma Spend:
Blades 1 -> 2
Clubs -> 1
Unarmed 5 -> 6
Specialization (Subdual Combat)
May 6 2013, 07:37 PM
Ok going to try and flex some baby vamp powers with trying out Compulsion. It's my Magic + Charisma vs his Willpower + Charisma.
Compulsion11d6.hits(5)=2Well I did say baby so Edge it is.
Edge9d6.hits(5)=4That's more like it! 6 hits total.
May 8 2013, 10:34 AM
Running Analyze on each of the guard nagas and then the hidden door:
Computer 4 + Analyze 5 + Hotsim 2 =
11d6.hits(5)=5, 11d6.hits(5)=1, 11d6.hits(5)=3For the guards looking to see what they are (program, agent) and the ratings of any programs they are running
For the door, mainly checking for alarms (traps)
Current link loadout:
Novatech Airwave + Novatech Navi OS + upgraded System and Firewall (Response [4]3*, Signal 3, System 5, Firewall 4)
Running programs: Analyze (ergo) 5, Reality Filter (ergo) 5, Stealth (ergo) 5; Armor 3, Attack 4, Biofeedback filter 3, Browse 5, Edit 5
Matrix progs: Analyze (ergo) 5, Armor 3, Attack 4, Biofeedback filter 3, Browse 5, Command 5, Decrypt 3, Edit 5, Encrypt 3, Exploit 5, Reality Filter (ergo) 5, Scan 5, Sniffer 3, Spoof 3, Stealth (ergo) 5, Track 3
*-1 response due to node's Reality Filter
May 9 2013, 06:02 AM
BishopMcQ Karma expenditures look fine. That's for sticking to my guidelines about the point increases.
Assensing results:
Ghoul - The subject is ill (Infected), curious, and Awakened
Belt - Weapon Focus, Rating is lower than your magic, and you'll recognize it's aura if you see it again.
Astral 1 (Wrist) - Force 4 Anchoring Foci with a Health spell currently locked in it
Astral 2 (Ear) - Anchoring Foci, and you'll recognize it's aura if you see if again.
Astral 3 (Back) - Weapon Focus, rating is lower than your magic, and you'll recognize it's aura if you see if again.
Astral 4 (Back) - Force 4 Quickened Health Spell, and you'll recognize it's aura if you see if again.
Umaro - You do not see anything in
Sean's signature that you would recognize as your spirit formula.
Buddha Resistance Roll -
Willpower + Charisma (9d6.hits(5)=3)Edge -
Willpower + Charisma (6d6.hits(5)=2)Total = 5
NotSoEvilDM - The two naga's are simply product displays geared to reflect the physical appearance of the viewers avatar. The node access doesn't seem to have any malicious programs or IC attached to it.
May 9 2013, 03:17 PM
To check--are all the auras the same? Ie are the foci bonded to the ghoul, or are things like the anchor and quickened spells a different signature?
May 9 2013, 11:36 PM
Ok raising Sorcery Skill Group from 2 to 3.
Judge Intentions12d6.hits(5)=9Going to try and surprise the ghoul and his henchmen, talked with
Fenris and he asked for the above roll to determine surprise bonus to rolls. Though I just realized
Composure for
Ama's part may have been what he meant. Good news exact same number of dice so that roll can be for either.
May 10 2013, 12:00 AM
Judge Intentions
10d6.hits(5)=2Mato 12 / 3 IP
May 12 2013, 03:55 AM
BishopMcQ - The anchoring focus and the quickened spells are different auras, though the auras for those two are identical - Same caster.
Buddha - Opposed
Judge Intentions -
Charisma + Intuition + Teamwork (15d6.hits(5)=2) - Nice roll, you beat the whole group!
So, both of you please roll your [Initiative score +3] in dice, and
do not add your initiative score to it. We're rolling for surprise. And then go ahead and roll initiative normally.
Samael -
Initiative (13d6.hits(5)=3)Goon 1 - 10d6.hits(5)=2
Goon 2 -10d6.hits(5)=6
Goon 3 -10d6.hits(5)=1
Goon 4 -10d6.hits(5)=2
Goon 5 -10d6.hits(5)=3
Goon 6 -10d6.hits(5)=3Babs -
Initiative (9d6.hits(5)=2)Hidden Movement -
Initiative (8d6.hits(5)=2)
May 12 2013, 03:57 AM
Reaction test for Surprise
May 13 2013, 04:13 AM
Surprise Test(+3 bonus)
13d6.hits(5)=4Initiative10d6.hits(5)=3Ama 13/4 IP
May 15 2013, 04:51 AM
BishopMcQ and
Buddha - Let's consolidate combat information:
Surprise rolls (Nobody can take an action that affects anyone higher in the list than they are):Goon 2 -10d6.hits(5)=6
Ama - 13d6.hits(5)=4
Babs - 12d6.hits(5)=4
Mato - 13d6.hits(5)=3
Samael - 13d6.hits(5)=3
Goon 5 -10d6.hits(5)=3
Goon 6 -10d6.hits(5)=3
Goon 1 - 10d6.hits(5)=2
Goon 4 -10d6.hits(5)=2
Goon 3 -10d6.hits(5)=1
Goon roll -
Initiative (10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=2, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=4, 10d6.hits(5)=3, 10d6.hits(5)=6)Samael roll -
Initiative (13d6.hits(5)=3)Initiatives for the following round:Goon 6 - 16
Samael - 16
Babs - 15
Goon 1 - 14
Goon 3 - 14
Goon 4 - 14
>>Ama - 13/4
Goon 5 - 13
Mato - 12/3
Goon 2 - 12
So, if I understand the rules correctly (and
Bishop, feel free to correct me) we start the initiative round as normal, but the first round the rules about who can affect who are in play?
Ama is up!
May 15 2013, 01:01 PM
Fenris--I believe surprise lasts just for the first initiative pass, not the entire round. Also is Babs getting involved? This is the player asking, not the character. Mato will be happy for her to stay low and not get hurt.
May 16 2013, 05:45 AM
Good call on both accounts! Bad terminology on my part, I meant to indicate that it was the first
pass, as you mentioned.
And there's no way
Babs is going to stay out of this
Edited my post to reflect. Rolls for
Babs -
Initiative (for surprise and then the round) (12d6.hits(5)=4, 12d6.hits(5)=3)
May 16 2013, 05:49 AM
Manaball Force 6 (+2 dice for Combat spells from Mentor)
10d6.hits(5)=0Edge10d6.hits(5)=4Drain 5P12d6.hits(5)=41 box of Physical damage.
Jun 3 2013, 12:11 AM
Hey All - I had to take my computer into the shop for repairs (motherboard is dying on me) so I will be without a computer for at least a few days and I personally find it really challenging/frustrating to post from my phone or pad. I will get back on as soon as I get it back. Until then I will be avoiding doing any large pasts.
Jun 10 2013, 07:01 PM
Computer is back and just giving a shout out to see if people are still paying attention to the thread?
Jun 10 2013, 10:50 PM
Waiting for my turn in the initiative order.
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