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Full Version: Throat Punch Games!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
I want to break into game design, and the best way to do that is to just do it. To that end, I have my design-a-day blog called throat punch games. Each weekday I post an idea. They range from 4e to Shadowrun, to whatever I'm currently reading about and what adventures I want to see. I can always use more advice and you can tell me what ideas you have. Come on by everyday if you get a chance.
If you can take the vitriol, try and read through some of the stuff on the gaming den . .
I actually think The Gaming Den is less useful than a lot of Den residents believe. I'm not saying it's of zero value - far from it - but there's a lot of people there who have formed certain opinions about what makes a game "good" vs "bad", and are uttelry unwilling to deviate from it. That kind of groupthink combined with willful misrepresentation & misunderstanding of games they don't like leads to the Den to believe things which may be contrary to "how shit works in the real world."

Check it out, though - I lurk there. Just take the gospel with a grain of salt.
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