Oct 20 2012, 12:27 AM
Can anyone summarize the 2 different sub-plots in Season 4 missions?
I know that they are the Orc Underground and Rise of the Artifacts, but can anyone give me a better brief overview?
Oct 20 2012, 01:09 PM
The Orc Underground subplot covers the political machinations surrounding Proposition 23, which would make the Orc Underground into a district of Seattle. The Artifact Rush concerns a bunch of people with a lot of money trying to acquire stuff that's might or might not be magical that might or might not be left over from before the 5th World.
Oct 20 2012, 07:17 PM
First off, a big THANK YOU!
Now, is either subplot better than the other?
I'm running Missions as a home game, and I'm going to try and work other stuff in (like maybe the Horizon trilogy and the Boardroom Backstabs stuff).
Oct 22 2012, 03:09 AM
The Artifacts modules settle into a fairly predictable pattern, and the Orc Underground stuff is cartoonishly partisan in what should be a moral grey area. Both have their perks and drawbacks. I personally have enjoyed the Artifacts modules a lot more, but then again, I was also playing someone who likes (metaphorical) horse trading and (actual) damsels in distress and (despite spending 12 years as an instrument of The Manor House's foreign policy) dispises politics.
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