Do you like action real-time-strategy games, but don't always feel like devoting 45 minutes to an hour to one match? Or massive online battle arenas, if you prefer that term, but feel frustrated by a community commonly seen as hostile to new players? Are you an inveterate DOTA/League of Legends player, but really wish you could play a game which had faster action, but only sacrificed a few of the bells ans whistles?
Or do you wanna just play these games on a console, rather than a PC?
If so, you might wanna check out Guardians of Middle Earth, released today for Xbox Live Arcade, and yesterday on the Playstation Network. $15, or $30 for the season pass version (which nets you all DLC for free as it's released), and you get to play a DOTA/LOL type game using a controlling while sitting on your couch.
I happen to think it's pretty fun, and I don't like LOL or DOTA.