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I started up Mass Effect (the first one) again, with the intent of actually finishing it this time, and possibly moving on to ME2. The Mako physics are still ridiculous; a goddamned infantry fighting vehicle that handles like a plastic RC car? Get fucking real. Please tell me that gets better in the sequel.

Another frustration is Shepard's blinkered insistence on pistol-whipping (rifle-whipping, shotgun-whipping, whatever) every foe who gets within range, despite the fact that she'd do more damage by just feeding them a point-blank lead sandwich. This is particularly maddening against the krogan on Virmire, who run forward faster than I can backpedal and so are always too close to shoot.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 6 2012, 11:24 AM) *
I started up Mass Effect (the first one) again, with the intent of actually finishing it this time, and possibly moving on to ME2. The Mako physics are still ridiculous; a goddamned infantry fighting vehicle that handles like a plastic RC car? Get fucking real. Please tell me that gets better in the sequel.

The Mako gets better. It's removed and replaced with planet scanning which sucked then they patched it so scanning speed increased. Still, even suckage planet scanning beat driving around the stupid maps in a mako to collect shit.

QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 6 2012, 11:24 AM) *
Another frustration is Shepard's blinkered insistence on pistol-whipping (rifle-whipping, shotgun-whipping, whatever) every foe who gets within range, despite the fact that she'd do more damage by just feeding them a point-blank lead sandwich. This is particularly maddening against the krogan on Virmire, who run forward faster than I can backpedal and so are always too close to shoot.

I'm actually not familiar with that problem.
And don't play a sniper if you want to have fun battles in ME2.
I played ME2 with all the DLC packs, and...

I missed the Mako. I missed it desperately. That stupid hovertank they gave me as an "Upgrade" was laughable. Plus, I never got to drive it through a Mass Relay.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 7 2012, 12:24 AM) *
I played ME2 with all the DLC packs, and...

I missed the Mako. I missed it desperately. That stupid hovertank they gave me as an "Upgrade" was laughable. Plus, I never got to drive it through a Mass Relay.

Wha...? Mass relays (as of ME1) are all out in deep space. Did they make a jawdroppingly stupid retcon and place them on planetary surfaces, Stargate-style?
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 6 2012, 09:52 PM) *
Wha...? Mass relays (as of ME1) are all out in deep space. Did they make a jawdroppingly stupid retcon and place them on planetary surfaces, Stargate-style?

It would be spoilers to say. It's actually pretty epic.
Fair enough. Is the DLC available on PC? Steam doesn't have it.
I don't recall the first ME having DLC, only ME2 and 3.

I lied. It had one I think where you run some simulator missions? It wasn't anything spectacular.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 7 2012, 01:52 AM) *
Wha...? Mass relays (as of ME1) are all out in deep space. Did they make a jawdroppingly stupid retcon and place them on planetary surfaces, Stargate-style?

What X-Calibur said.

All I can say.... the Protheans are pretty epic.

I haven't played ME3 yet though I have put in over a 100 hours (I think) since I bought it in the MP so I don't know what level of Prothean badassery is present in that one.
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Dec 7 2012, 04:26 AM) *
I don't recall the first ME having DLC, only ME2 and 3.

I'm talking about ME2. The DLC, she is not listed on Steam's store page for the game.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 6 2012, 04:24 PM) *
Another frustration is Shepard's blinkered insistence on pistol-whipping (rifle-whipping, shotgun-whipping, whatever) every foe who gets within range, despite the fact that she'd do more damage by just feeding them a point-blank lead sandwich. This is particularly maddening against the krogan on Virmire, who run forward faster than I can backpedal and so are always too close to shoot.

Well, ahm... Never had this problem... Your lead sandwich is probably a bit weak.... If the came onto me it was mostly only the last one. One attack to stumble him and shoot him afterwards...
(And if I recall correctly the mellee attack was not that bad anyhow. Of course you were dead fighting melee in a horde of Krogans...)
Actually ME had "Bring down the sky," and "Pinnacle Station" as DLC. And in ME2 the DLC is available on the PC, though I don't know if it is available through Steam. I got mine from the Bioware/EA sites.
They did away with the automatic pistol-whip in the subsequent games. You are instead given the option to melee if you choose. ME3 upgrades that with heavy and light melee options (pretty nifty, actually). Mako was removed and replaced with a hover-tank, and that was removed in ME3. However, you also have no huge maps where you have to search and find stuff all the time, so there's not a lot of need for it. Elevators have similarly been removed in favor of more traditional load screens and other effects where you realize it's part of the load.

Not sure about the DLC, as I do all my ME fun on my XBox (no PC powerful enough or functional enough to play it on the PC).

And sheesh guys, he's not finished ME1, let alone done ME2. Lay off the in-game references. You're spoiling things.
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Dec 10 2012, 08:33 PM) *
ME3 upgrades that with heavy and light melee options (pretty nifty, actually). Mako was removed and replaced with a hover-tank, and that was removed in ME3.

Batarian Heavy Melee..... heh.


Kroguard FTW. Played a MP match with 3 other Krogans when I was on my Kroguard. We spent our in between wave time headbutting each other. Because, you know, Krogan do stuff like that.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Dec 11 2012, 05:00 AM) *
Batarian Heavy Melee..... heh.


Kroguard FTW. Played a MP match with 3 other Krogans when I was on my Kroguard. We spent our in between wave time headbutting each other. Because, you know, Krogan do stuff like that.

You had your very own Krant.
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Dec 11 2012, 01:32 PM) *
You had your very own Krant.

I also once managed to play a match with 4 Asari Justicar in it.... that was a bit..... bizarre.
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