QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

Consecration could be talented for reduced mana cost, something that admittedly a lot of raiding tanks wouldn't do. Regardless its cost was irrelevant as you would regain enough mana to use it enough simply with judgement of the... just (I think the prot one is) and divine plea. Holy wrath was a very powerful threat ability despite it's 45 second cooldown simply because of the fact that it bypassed the AoE cap.
Consecration was not worth the talent points. Never was. Tankadin talents were all chosen on how much threat they provide and mana cost reductions provide very little threat increase.
Prior to the consecration mana cost increase 9696 was the rotation which put SotR/HoR on 6 and Judgment/Holy Shield/Consecration on 9.
After consecration's mana increase, avenger's shield and crusader strike were tossed in the rotation to replace of it.
Judgement of Wisdom was just 2% mana restored and based on how tankadin gearing went Spiritual Attunement does not provide a lot of mana. I do distinctly remember being mana starved while tanking because I wasn't taking enough damage.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

I'm sorry but that's simply not true.
• Paladins had two taunts on different short cooldowns
There's no reason for a DPS to focus fire targets outside the kill order and taunting loose mobs doesn't help if the DPS continues to focus on the mob that he pulled threat on. The proper course of action for any tank in this situation is to let the DPS die and grab the mob if it is still loose after the DPS dies. Competent DPS are aware of this and don't do stupid shit. The kill order is established for a reason. Usually because certain mobs hit the tank harder/lighter or the mobs are a far more dangerous threat to the group as a whole. Ignoring the kill order is another level of stupid behavior.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

• They had among the best sustained AoE threat among any tanks, in large part because of consecration and HW (that also stunned undead)
At one point. Which caused them to always be consistently relegated to offtank in raids. Blizzard fixed this by upping their single target threat gen and lowering their AoE gen.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

• They have a ranged multi-target silence on fairly short cd that generates a huge amount of threat
The only silence I recall paladins having was arcane torrent for blood elf paladins. This is either a new ability or you're thinking of something else. The only CC abilities that paladins had were Exorcism (stun vs undead/demons), Holy Wrath (stun vs undead/demons), Arcane Torrent (BE only grants silence in a small AoE), Hammer of Justice (short duration stun).
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

• They could pop HoP on a dps to instantly clear their threat and had hand of salvation
HoP didn't clear threat. It made them immune to physical damage and unable to physically attack or move. Hunters and casters are still quite able to cast when they get it which means it doesn't really reduce their threat.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

Keeping AoE threat as a paladin was mind numbingly easy
As long as DPS aren't being stupid and focus firing mobs not targets by the tank. Keeping AoE threat on multiple mobs that are being focus fired by DPS is not mind numbingly easy.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

Sorry to break it to you but that's the proper way of doing it in MoP

Whether or not that is the proper way to do it in Mists of Pandaria has no bearing on whether that is the proper way to do it in WotLK and just because the game is in a different expansion and things are done differently does not mean that idiots will magically cease to be idiots. They'll just be idiots in new and inventive ways.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

Oh most certainly a lot of people aren't up to the ideal, but you also have to bear in mind that are some people out there with a genuine interest to improve. A lot of those people don't know that these online resources exist, but if you give them time and talk like a decent human being to them they will happily take your advice or check out the resources you point them to.
Oh, I used to try to do that, but after so many times of saying.
"Hey, your socketed gems are wrong for you build." only to receive the response "Lol, relax, it's just a game have fun." doesn't breed tolerance.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 04:20 PM)

The end result is what's important here would you rather spend 15 minutes with twats or 25 minutes with decent people?
15 minutes with twats. It's spending less of my time grinding in the absolute grind fest that is WoW.
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Dec 20 2012, 05:14 PM)

... haven't I said exactly and precisely this, several times now?
What part of that are you not getting??
Pax, you probably would have gotten along well enough in my guild. As long as you didn't manage to make yourself into the humor punching bag. We were, using Lion's terminology, a bunch of twats and only really cared if you performed well and didn't hold us up.
True story, we managed to kill every boss but Lich King on Heroic 25 man using a PUG group. We did have a filter though, we used a Gold bid system to acquire gear and interestingly enough people with a lot of gold tend to not be idiot players.