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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Hello Everyone,

My apologies if I am not in the right forum. I am an experienced Shadowrun player but I am unversed in the etiquette of playing in an online posting forum. I was wondering if anyone could give me a basic briefing on the etiquette of online forum playing as well as where/how I could get in a game here on Dumpshock, if there are any openings.

I swear that just because I’m a newbie at this online stuff, I’m really a lot better at Shadowrun. Promise. =)

Anyway, if anyone could please give me a hand, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all, I’m enjoying being a part of the Dumpshock community and I’m looking forward to hopefully being able to contribute to it as well.
It's pretty simple. Take a look at how your GM posts and try to follow suit. Some gms just do straight text, some do bold text for names and italics for thoughts and some are like me and use all of that plus colors for places and times.

Generally you want to keep your posts in third person, and pick either present or past tense for most of it (I see a lot of both, just try not to shift tenses a lot, which is something I have trouble with). Die rolls are done how your GM wants them to be and the like.

Oh, and you usually need to uncheck the "enable signature" box on posts to IC threads.

This is probably the wrong forum, since the Player registry/general gaming thing generally takes this type of topic (which is fine, we'll just get moved).

As for getting into a game, just look for a thread with a low number of posts or a "recruitment" thread. I don't know of any currently open, but you could try the game Sphynx is running on another board.
I would suggest having at least one character ready to go complete with background. If you have one, make some more, it will give you something to do while watching the board for a new game or opening.

Unfortunately, when a game is announced, half a dozen people will express interest the first day or so. Usually, it is people already playing in a game or two or 10. smile.gif I don't know if they realize, or care, if others would like a chance to play. So have your character ready.

Or you could always opt to run your own game. Then you are almost guaranteed to get in. wink.gif
If you run a good game, you're also more likely to get into the games of other people.
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