Dec 25 2012, 03:55 PM
I literally just found out about this and I'm struggling to contain my urge to dance around and sing with joy.
Have a looksie!But wait, you say... How can they get away with this?
it's way to similar to not cause all kinds of red tape to come down on them. That what was I thought aswell, but see.
The great Molyneux put his hand on their shoulder and said
"Walk with my blessing child"*Squeal* I've wanted this for years!
Dec 25 2012, 06:00 PM
Awesome. I still need to get on GOG and grab DK2.
Dec 25 2012, 06:18 PM
Did they fix the compability issues for that? People had trouble getting it running on Win7
Dec 25 2012, 06:56 PM
I would love a proper Dungeon Keeper 3, or a spiritual sequal.
Peter Molyneaux's blessing is good, but does he own the rights? As far as I'm concerned, ethically speaking, morally, having the blessing of the original creator is full steam ahead, but the law of the land takes a rather different view, and if the IP is owned by an existing company... Could get messy.
Dec 25 2012, 07:21 PM
Since it's technically not Dungeon Keeper whoever holds the rights will have a hard case on their hands. You can't really trademark gameplay mechanics... Well you can but not to an extent that it covers an entire genre, they're not ripping any assets or code from those games and they're being clever with the naming of things "Underlord" not "Dungeon keeper", "Blood Imp" not "Imp".
Even if EA Microsoft has the rights, I don't quite see how they can get to them.
Edit: Mixing up my evil corporations, Fuck EA anyway...
and Microsoft to, for what they did with Rare.
Dec 25 2012, 08:33 PM
Yeah, but they can make a strong case that it's so similar as to be a thinly-veiled serial-numbers-filed-off version of what they own.
Dec 27 2012, 03:32 PM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 25 2012, 04:33 PM)

Yeah, but they can make a strong case that it's so similar as to be a thinly-veiled serial-numbers-filed-off version of what they own.
Based on the existence of most Zynga games.... I doubt that matters.
Jan 3 2013, 06:40 PM
Oh god I loved DK2 so much. Hope this is better then the dungeon keeper. Was not happy with a game where I had to make the NPCs happy with my dungeon then off them. I like DK2 where I just offed them and took their gold.
Jan 3 2013, 06:45 PM
They had me at imp slapping.
Jan 3 2013, 06:48 PM
Oh, at the time of writing there's 1 hour left on the kickstarter.
They got their funding, but is still short to get the voice actor that did the trailer.
Link to kickstarter in the video description of OP links
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