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Full Version: Call of Duty: Black Ops
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
In my ongoing torrid love affair with Steam sales (holy crap is the Holiday Sale OMGWTFBBQ awesome or what) I picked up CoD: Black Ops for half off. Like World at War, I bought it for the Zombies mode. Is it just me, or did the M1911 get nerfed? In WaW, single aimed headshots with my trusty .45 would easily carry me through wave 2; in Black Ops, even wave 1 zombies need multiple headshots from the 1911 to go down. They still die to single melee attacks, though.
Got me, but my cousin is whining that I should get CoD: BO II.
On the zombie front, I've got nothin'. I've barely played zombie mode, so I'm not much help there.

Mrs. Crit got me BLOPS II for Christmas yesterday. I got in an hour or two of campaign, and an hour or two of multiplayer, and so far it's been pretty fun. Pretty normal CoD gameplay, but the look and feel of the high-tech stuff is pretty swanky. Lots of augmented reality stuff, "combat hacker" goodies, drones, etc, etc.
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