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Come join us at COSCON XXV!

We will be running Welcome to the Sixth World, Shadowrun Missions, CMPs (Convention Mission Packs), and the Shadowrun LARP.

Where: Butler Days Inn
139 Pittsburgh Rd
Butler, PA 16001
Room assignment: TBD

When: 15-17 March, 2013

To purchase a badge, please visit:

To see what we're running and to pre-register, please visit:

To get more information on Shadowrun Missions, please visit:

Here's the current schedule of events:

Day Date Time Event
Friday 15-Mar 1600 Welcome to the Sixth World
Friday 15-Mar 1600 CMP 2012-05 Hopping the Fence
Friday 15-Mar 2000 SRM 04-04 Smuggler's Blues

Saturday 16-Mar 0900 SR LARP

Saturday 16-Mar 1400 SRM 04-05 On A Silver Platter
Saturday 16-Mar 1400 CMP 2012-06 Domestic Tranquility
Saturday 16-Mar 1400 Welcome to the Sixth World

Saturday 16-Mar 1900 Welcome to the Sixth World
Saturday 16-Mar 1900 CMP 2012-07 Grocery List
Saturday 16-Mar 1900 SRM 04-07 Burn

Sunday 17-Mar 0900 SRM 04-06 Hard Target
Sunday 17-Mar 0900 CMP 2012-08 The Hung Over
Sunday 17-Mar 0900 SRM 04-08 Brothers United
Please find the updated schedule below (a few more SRMs):

Day Date Time Event
Friday 15-Mar 1600 Welcome to the Sixth World
Friday 15-Mar 1600 CMP 2012-05 Hopping the Fence
Friday 15-Mar 2000 SRM 04-04 Smuggler's Blues

Saturday 16-Mar 0900 SR LARP

Saturday 16-Mar 1400 SRM 04-05 On A Silver Platter
Saturday 16-Mar 1400 CMP 2012-06 Domestic Tranquility
Saturday 16-Mar 1400 Welcome to the Sixth World
Saturday 16-Mar 1400 SRM 04-09 Assassin Nation

Saturday 16-Mar 1900 Welcome to the Sixth World
Saturday 16-Mar 1900 CMP 2012-07 Grocery List
Saturday 16-Mar 1900 SRM 04-07 Burn
Saturday 16-Mar 1900 SRM 04-10 Romero and Juliet

Sunday 17-Mar 0900 SRM 04-06 Hard Target
Sunday 17-Mar 0900 CMP 2012-08 The Hung Over
Sunday 17-Mar 1000 SRM 04-08 Brothers United
Sunday 17-Mar 1000 SRM 04-11 Election Day
I'm definitely making the trip up for Saturday. Being able to pick up the LARP, Assassin Nation, and R&J is too juicy to pass up.
Look forward to seeing you there!
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