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Full Version: "Talos" drone?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
I'm going through some of my old paperwork, and I have a note "gained Talos drone" scribbled on my record sheet for the season 3 Mission "Firestorm". I recall being rushed for time and figuring I'd look up the stats later, but I guess it slipped my mind.

However, I can't seem to find any such drone in the books. I don't have access to the mission PDF, so I don't know if it's in there.

Anyone know?

It was a custom drone from the Mission.

Here's the LINK to download the Season 3 Missions.
A Talos Drone? You mean the T1-B3R "Septim"? wink.gif

PM'd info.
Ares answer to the Akiyama and companion for their Madcat series combat drone, this drone is currently undergoing field tests. Ares designed the inhuman look of this cyborg to cause panic and fear in those who saw it. Of course, they primarily designed it not to be seen. Unlike the Akiyama, the Talos is designed to be modular to fill multiple mission roles in the field outside of the assassination primary role. Currently, the cyborgs are slated for field release in late 2072, but the current field test difficulties might delay that date.
The Talos has 4 addition Modi cation slots for a max value of 9.
Handling Accel Speed Pilot Body Armor Sensors
+2 5/15 45 – 4 8 4
Standard Upgrades: Chameleon Coating, Cyborg Adaptation, Gecko Tips, 2 Mechanical Arms (do not count as modifications, can be modified as cyberlimbs), Body Stabilizer 3
The current model encountered here has Strength 6 arm upgrades and a spur installed (6P). Its commlink has been upgraded to make it Device Rating 6.

I find this out NOW, after having spent 180,000 some nuyen on an Otomo?


Anyway, thanks, folks! I guess I need to figure out whether to sell it or add it to the drone army.

Otomo is a combat machine this is for assassination both have a place in your toolbox.
The Talos has the very nice benefit that its arms can be modified as cyberlimbs, whereas normally you can't in missions (since it's an optional rule).
It's very nice, I agree. I'm a little sad that I only have maybe one or two conventions left to play the characters before the switchover.

Hm. As I said, I'm poring over old paperwork since I just got back from a convention... I always meant to ask but kept forgetting. I'm getting old.

When an award is "access to a beta/gamma/delta clinic", what does that entail? Just the ability to install higher grade implants you already acquired elsewhere? Or is it an opportunity to buy new stuff?

Depends on where it's from, I think. It was a little vague in some of the older adventures.

I would say it's just access to a clinic capable of installing it. YOu still have to get ahold of the actual 'ware (Which, under SR4's gear rules, is generally a matter of time and a decent contact and maybe a bunch of extra cash.)
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