Mar 7 2013, 06:11 PM
The folks at WildFire are in the process of setting up a new community site for news, forums, and a wiki.
The forums are up and running ( and the front page for news is being tested before they kick it live.
There is discussion set up for CthulhuTech, the Void, and Cthonian Stars.
Mar 7 2013, 06:17 PM
I thought CthulhuTech died. Is it now ... something else?
Mar 7 2013, 06:39 PM
Nope, CthulhuTech never died. It has been through the wringer and back but still fighting. Burning Horizons was recently released and there are several other projects in the works. The folks at Wildfire went radio silent for awhile to develop a new strategy since their history with the traditional publishing model has been a rough one. Now they are back, with announcements coming and a new website design and better forums.
Mar 31 2013, 03:47 PM
What! CthulhuTech is alive! That's nice to read.
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