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Full Version: SRM on FG2
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hi all I am starting a small google group for people who wish to play mission online using fantasy grounds 2 virtual table top. Myself and a few others are getting runs together and we would like ot expand on our group to include other GMs as well as players. If you are interested in getting involved in either a player or Gm capacity you can PM me here, reply to this post, or just find us on google groups. The group name is SRM_FG2.

Looks like some trouble was had trying to find the group. I think this is the actual link.

Currently we are up to 7 people on the group so it shouldn't be a problem getting a game going. We are getting the begining info on what people have went through and getting people into the game. should be talking scheduling here soon.

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