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Full Version: Modifying Drones
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Orcus Blackweather
I am playing a rigger/hacker in missions season 4. I did not have enough nuyen at start to fully deck out my drones. So I have a few questions pertaining to purchase and modification of drones in missions.

1) Are there any drones that are simply not able to be acquired
2) How do I go about buying restricted/illegal drones
3) How do I go about modifying drones/sensors/commlinks, and etc...
a) using my own skills
b) using a contact
c) purchasing mod work without contacts.
4) What modifications are allowed (this old drone, arsenal, etc...)
a) how do you go about renting a shop/facility

I suppose that this also includes other types of build/mod/repair, such as guns and software, as everything is done basically the same way
"Stuff you can't buy" is pretty much just material from unapproved books, and anything that isn't really fully statted, like if an entry has shadowtalk mentioning a variant but doesn't really stat out or price the variant, you can't buy it.

Other than that, the limitation is more or less by the book, purely based on Availability rating and nuyen cost. At character creation, Availability is limited to 12, and after play starts, purely whatever Availability you or your contacts can Negotiate for. I think there was a limit on Beta grade and above implants, but I can't remember if that restriction is still in effect.

As for everything else, you follow the mod rules in Arsenal.

Check over the Missions FAQ:

There's specifically some extra rules to cover things like hiring someone to modify vehicles/weapons for you. Otherwise, all the core rules stand and you need to use the "Buying Hits" rule. Theres no restriction on Beta (Other than not at chargen), but for Deltaware you have to have access to a Delta clinic, which you cannot normally get. Some past missions gave you a one time access to one, so some characters have been able to get into them in the past.
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