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Didnīt find another thread that seemed appropriate, so here a quick question to all the US-dumpshockers.

Have been on the westcoast some months ago and am now addicted to beef jerky. I prefer peppered and spicy, no sweet flavours (e.g. Teryaki, Barbecue, etc.). Jack Links and similar brands were way too expensive for our consumption (one pack a day), but we found X-tra large packages (IIRC ū pound or at least ― pound) of another brand that was only around 10 bucks (supermarkets and gas-stations). I cannot remember the brand and also google didnīt help to find something at a similar price. So please help. Addict needs his drug.^^
My personal favorite happens to be a west coast brand specifically Oh Boy! Oberto I am completely addicted to this stuff, the only jerky that compares is locally made venison jerky. Hooked on this product for over 17 years. One of the reasons I love this product is that it does not taste like MSG.
Sorry, this isn't an answer to your question.

Jerky isn't really a bit thing over here in the UK, but me and the missus are both big into food and go to markets and such. We found a locally made jerky company that do amazing flavours. The name is a bit of a double-entendre but if anyone in the UK likes jerky, then try Martin's Jerked Meat

My favourite is beef and horseradish biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Faelan @ Apr 26 2013, 08:25 AM) *
My personal favorite happens to be a west coast brand specifically Oh Boy! Oberto I am completely addicted to this stuff, the only jerky that compares is locally made venison jerky. Hooked on this product for over 17 years. One of the reasons I love this product is that it does not taste like MSG.

You can find Oberto on the east coast of the US as well. We've stolen your secrets! Mua ha ha! To the OP, I'd need some more info before I could help you find that or an equivalent brand. There's alot out there, after all.
Throw the jerky in the bin and get some Biltong.

Note: I am not a South African and I approve this message.
QUOTE (Shortstraw @ Apr 26 2013, 08:45 AM) *
Throw the jerky in the bin and get some Biltong.

Note: I am not a South African and I approve this message.

Biltong is pretty much the same thing. We have beef, turkey, and pork jerky for sale in my area, all of that together would fall under that category, kind of like Rubies, Sapphires, etc. all being Corundum crystals.
QUOTE (Machiavelli @ Apr 26 2013, 04:09 AM) *
Didnīt find another thread that seemed appropriate, so here a quick question to all the US-dumpshockers.

Have been on the westcoast some months ago and am now addicted to beef jerky. I prefer peppered and spicy, no sweet flavours (e.g. Teryaki, Barbecue, etc.). Jack Links and similar brands were way too expensive for our consumption (one pack a day), but we found X-tra large packages (IIRC ū pound or at least ― pound) of another brand that was only around 10 bucks (supermarkets and gas-stations). I cannot remember the brand and also google didnīt help to find something at a similar price. So please help. Addict needs his drug.^^

Ah, I think I know of what you speak. While I don't think it is a brand exclusive to the West coast, when I used to need my cheap bulk jerky fix, I turned to World Kitchens brand and their 3/4 pounder bags.


Look familiar?

Nowadays, though, I tend to make my own for far cheaper. After the initial cost of a counter-top food dehydrator, it is much less expensive to buy cheap beef, season it yourself, and have a personal level of quality control. You can determine exactly how moist/chewy you allow the beef to remain (or even make it bone dry and tough, if that's what you like). You don't have to add any chemicals to preserve freshness, so the flavor isn't adversely effected. You can experiment with different seasonings to make flavors you can't find, or make it spicier than they will sell it in stores, if you like it hot. Not only that, but you can do it pork instead of beef for even cheaper. On top of all that, the dehydrator can be used to preserve herbs for later cooking, and to dry fruit/make fruit leather for a healthier snack alternative to jerky.

The only drawback is that the dehydrator does not impart a smokey flavor on its own; one has to either use bottled smoke flavoring (which works pretty well, actually), or throw the jerky briefly in a smoker. The upshot is you can use the dehydrator indoors, and it's easier to clean, and probably less likely to burn your house down when you aren't watching it.
QUOTE (Rubic @ Apr 26 2013, 07:45 AM) *
You can find Oberto on the east coast of the US as well. We've stolen your secrets! Mua ha ha! To the OP, I'd need some more info before I could help you find that or an equivalent brand. There's alot out there, after all.

I know, my love affair started when I was stationed at Camp Lejeune. Then for 7 years nothing, until the day I walked into a Safeway in Baltimore, and then a year later Giant Eagle in Pittsburgh began carrying it, and all was well with the world.
After a little discussion by the moderators, we re-Titled the topic and moved it to the correct forum.

Snack on!
HAHAHAH ... even the most hardcore of moderators fall before the greatness that is Jerked Meat. /nerdgasm
Beef Red Wine and Black Pepper Jerky - This has to be easily available in Germany stores ASAP. Where would I buy such stuff locally?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Apr 26 2013, 10:55 AM) *
Snack on!

QUOTE (Ryu @ Apr 26 2013, 07:03 PM) *
Beef Red Wine and Black Pepper Jerky - This has to be easily available in Germany stores ASAP. Where would I buy such stuff locally?

Buddy of mine had some Beef Jerky at work today, i don't remember what kind it was though and i will only be able to ask him where he got it on monday
Make your own jerky as has been suggested.

I make mine in the garage all the time. I also have a smoker so I season it in there first good.

Well, I did, until my wife got sick of the's quite a powerful aroma while it's all in the dehydrator. So I have to sneak it in while she's out of town and such.
QUOTE (Headshot_Joe @ Apr 26 2013, 02:24 PM) *
Ah, I think I know of what you speak. While I don't think it is a brand exclusive to the West coast, when I used to need my cheap bulk jerky fix, I turned to World Kitchens brand and their 3/4 pounder bags.


Look familiar?

Nowadays, though, I tend to make my own for far cheaper. After the initial cost of a counter-top food dehydrator, it is much less expensive to buy cheap beef, season it yourself, and have a personal level of quality control. You can determine exactly how moist/chewy you allow the beef to remain (or even make it bone dry and tough, if that's what you like). You don't have to add any chemicals to preserve freshness, so the flavor isn't adversely effected. You can experiment with different seasonings to make flavors you can't find, or make it spicier than they will sell it in stores, if you like it hot. Not only that, but you can do it pork instead of beef for even cheaper. On top of all that, the dehydrator can be used to preserve herbs for later cooking, and to dry fruit/make fruit leather for a healthier snack alternative to jerky.

The only drawback is that the dehydrator does not impart a smokey flavor on its own; one has to either use bottled smoke flavoring (which works pretty well, actually), or throw the jerky briefly in a smoker. The upshot is you can use the dehydrator indoors, and it's easier to clean, and probably less likely to burn your house down when you aren't watching it.

Joe, you are my hero. This is exactly what i was looking for. I just need to find an online store or somebody who is willing to export some of this for me. Making my own jerky is defintely on my "top 100 to doīs before i die"-list, but i am self employed, which means i work all the time (in german it would also be a great linguisitc joke) and didnīt find time for this up to now. wink.gif

And thanks to the moderators for changing the topic. It shows me, that if we are honest, snacks and drinks are 2 of the 3 most important parts of shadowrun. So HOOORAY TO UNHEALTHY FOOD, CAFFEINE-OVERLOADED LIMONADE, MIXED DRINKS AND BEER....this is what life makes worth living while playing the worlds greatest game. wink.gif

QUOTE (Headshot_Joe @ Apr 26 2013, 04:24 PM) *
Nowadays, though, I tend to make my own for far cheaper. After the initial cost of a counter-top food dehydrator, it is much less expensive to buy cheap beef, season it yourself, and have a personal level of quality control. You can determine exactly how moist/chewy you allow the beef to remain (or even make it bone dry and tough, if that's what you like). You don't have to add any chemicals to preserve freshness, so the flavor isn't adversely effected. You can experiment with different seasonings to make flavors you can't find, or make it spicier than they will sell it in stores, if you like it hot. Not only that, but you can do it pork instead of beef for even cheaper. On top of all that, the dehydrator can be used to preserve herbs for later cooking, and to dry fruit/make fruit leather for a healthier snack alternative to jerky.

The only drawback is that the dehydrator does not impart a smokey flavor on its own; one has to either use bottled smoke flavoring (which works pretty well, actually), or throw the jerky briefly in a smoker. The upshot is you can use the dehydrator indoors, and it's easier to clean, and probably less likely to burn your house down when you aren't watching it.

I just found the perfect solution: my dad is retired, loves cooking and beef, and needs a fresh hobby. He used to own a smoker back in the day anyway, and the dehydrator stuff seems simple and cheap.
Does HE need a new hobby, or do you need him to need a new hobby? *snickers* ^^
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Apr 27 2013, 10:47 PM) *
Does HE need a new hobby, or do you need him to need a new hobby? *snickers* ^^

I will endeavor to lift the synergies enabled by a concurrent development of the smoking and dehydrating techs to max out customer value in a win-win scenario.

(Yes to both actually, but that would leave the scope of this forum. wink.gif )
I used to make my own beef jerky quite often. I would have the meat department of my local store cut a cheap roast "yaki-soba style" for me, then put it in an old pickle jar with a bunch of spices and liquid smoke for a couple of days, then in the dehydrator for a few hours... YUM!
I just bought a dehydrator on amazon and will use the flying goose sauces to marinate them. I hope the result is as expected. ^^
Working plan totally works. My father is willing to take care of the smoker business. smile.gif
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