QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Apr 29 2013, 11:59 PM)

The number of people who would have bought a game, but abstain from paying the money for it because they can unlawfully acquire it for free, is miniscule compared to the number of people who would not have paid money for a game, but will play it if they can unlawfully acquire it for free.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
You can no more prove this claim, than the people who claim
everypirated copy is "a lost sale" can prove theirs.
QUOTE (bannockburn @ Apr 30 2013, 05:11 AM)

1a) There are numbers and studies out there that show, that giving out a product for free actually raises the same product's sales. Very prominent and pertinent to this discussion are the humble bundles and an RPG called Eclipse Phase.
And, I do think that more games should offer free
demos of their games. Upthread, I mentioned that I would buy anything interesting-sounding that Spiderweb Software put out. That's because their free (and unusually-expansive) demos earned my loyalty long before I could afford to buy access to the rest of their games.
People download it and wouldn't have bought it anyways? Not a loss. Not morally right, surely, but not a loss for the company, because they wouldn't have bought it either way.
Perhaps not a loss of revenue. But,
yes, "a loss" - a loss of their
right to control the making of copies.
But then there are the guys who download it, like it and buy it. That one is not a loss. It's a gain for the company and it's good.
No. It's still
morally bnkrupt. Stealing something, then sending in money later? Still starts with
3.) And this one is really simple: If there's DRM which makes it more difficult for an honest buyer to play the game, or in a similar vein, a version with the same price but crippled content depending on the region where the buyer lives, the pirates win.
Yes, they do.
I'm not saying "the companies are shining white knights, angels of purity and righteousness".
I'm just saying, "piracy (almost always) sucks."
e.G., I've bought New Vegas and Bioshock 1 on Steam. I also pirated both of them, because I paid the same money as the American version would have cost and got hitched with a German only New Vegas and a violence reduced Bioshock.
That is actually one of the very, very few situations where I don't look badly upon the act of piracy. The consumer should not be charged the same money, for less product than the next guy, just because of what zipcode/country/etc each of them lives in. Crippled/reduced games, should be sold for reduced prices.
And, as a corollary (?sp), people in regions where a game has been priced down (due t currency conversions, local economy, etc) and thus, region-locked? Should have the opportunity to pay the FULL price, for an UN-locked game. Because, again, "otherwise they'll just pirate it", and that's another case where I really can't blame them.
I will never again buy an EA or Ubisoft published game, because of Origin and uPlay requirements, even when you bought those games on Steam. I made this mistake with the first Assassin's Creed and will not make it again. Until those publishers learn to not treat their actual customers as thieves, they will never again see my money.
I'm with you on EA, but I don't mind uPlay, myself. *shrug*
The topic isn't as cut and dried as people on either side of the fence want to make everyone believe, IMO.
Well, no. Except, as I just said, "piracy (almost always) sucks".
QUOTE (nezumi @ Apr 30 2013, 08:55 AM)

The study is flawed. Who here has ever heard of Greenheart Games before yesterday? I sure haven't.
So what?
Ever hear of "MinMax Games LTD." ...? Neither had I, until I bought "Space Pirates and Zombies".
Ever hear of "Amplitude Studios" ...? Neither had I, until I bought "Endless Space".
How about "SuperGiant Games" ...? Nope, not me either, until I bought their first-ever game, "Bastion" (and am now eagerly awaiting their NEXT game, "Transistor").
Hell. Had you ever heard of "Mojang", before Markus Persson had already sold a quarter of a million copies of then-Alpha Minecraft? I know I hadn't - and I know for a fact that you hadn't either, because at the time, not even "Mojang" existed. It was still JUST Markus. One guy, with his hobby-that-turns-a-nice-profit.
Not having heard of a company, in no way justifies pirating their software.
(Greenheart Games does not come up in the first twenty hits on Google for 'new games', 'download games', etc. It is also not available on Steam.)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...=game+developerYou were saying?