Apr 30 2013, 12:25 PM
Apr 30 2013, 05:49 PM
Waiting for the 1st to DL it.
Apr 30 2013, 07:56 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Apr 30 2013, 01:49 PM)

Waiting for the 1st to DL it.
Same here.
May 1 2013, 07:34 PM
What a laggy, jaggy, MESS.
There is
no way in the ninety lesser hells that my machine should
choke on any game, especially .... not,
triply-especially, when I haven't dialled the graphics settings to 11.
Yet, this?

Guess that was fifteen dollars I didn't really need to spend until next month, when a patch or two has come out.
Good grief, all they did is reskin FC3, build new maps, and write a new (intentionally campy) storyline ... how could it have turned out this much worse?!?
May 1 2013, 08:26 PM
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ May 1 2013, 02:34 PM)

Good grief, all they did is reskin FC3, build new maps, and write a new (intentionally campy) storyline ... how could it have turned out this much worse?!?
You were expecting something else?
May 1 2013, 08:52 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 1 2013, 04:26 PM)

You were expecting something else?
Yeah, actually ... I was expecting something that could actually be, you know ...
played. Because, um ... that's what I
paid for?
Seriously, I'm getting framerates that are in the SINGLE DIGITS - despite 8 CPU cores at 4GHz, 16GB of system memory, and a Radeon HD 7970 GPU backed by 3GB of video memory.
Trying to play makes me nauseous.

All I wanted was my FC3, reskinned and rewritten to give me a brief but delightfully-campy romp though an 80's-esque game, on new maps, with a few new toys to play with. You know: what they advertised.
Instead, I have a nausea-inducing waste of money and HDD space.
I should have waited to buy this. July or August, maybe.
May 1 2013, 09:02 PM
Ah, got confused there. Runs fine on my rig with no problems. Even got a controller working with it. Maybe your rig is TOO 1337 for the '80s?
May 1 2013, 09:56 PM
Dunno. I suspect it's a "not optimised for AMD" thing.
May 1 2013, 10:08 PM
I'm running a ATI Radeon HD 6770.
May 2 2013, 03:40 AM
Picking this up via Playstation Network (or whatever the heck it's called) is likely going to be my "finished grading final exams, semester grades are submitted!" reward. So it'll be a week or so.

Sorry to hear your PC and/or the game is giving you fits, though.
May 2 2013, 04:14 AM
Why I started getting into consoles. The problems with PC games and my rig all the time were giving me problems.
May 2 2013, 05:00 AM
Normally, I don't have problems like this; I've been super lucky so far, I guess.
I've gotten the game MOSTLY playable - by dropping all the way back to using DX9, instead of hte DX11 my PC should be capable of. That shuts off a whole swath of postprocessing effects, and I go from "completely unplayable" to "god it's irritating that this doesn't run smoother".
May 2 2013, 09:54 AM
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ May 2 2013, 06:00 AM)

Normally, I don't have problems like this; I've been super lucky so far, I guess.
I've gotten the game MOSTLY playable - by dropping all the way back to using DX9, instead of hte DX11 my PC should be capable of. That shuts off a whole swath of postprocessing effects, and I go from "completely unplayable" to "god it's irritating that this doesn't run smoother".
daft question, but you don't have a setting like Shadows or PhysX turned up to full ? being Nvidia, it kills AMD CPU's.
that was what did me in borderlands 2, it worked but was slow till I dialled back the physx
Also. again a simple thing but which Catalyst driver version ? have you upgraded drivers since buying that lovely machine ? some of the catalyst versions have been atrocious
for some games ... until a later fix or patch comes.
maybe Blood Dragons don't like AMD
**EDIT** hope I don't come across as patronising, not my intent. not sure how techy you might be or not
May 2 2013, 10:40 AM
Not patronising at all.
As for settings: like I said, I even turned the game down to DirectX 9. Still not smooth. Yet, I dialled everything to 11 for Far Cry 3 (which uses the exact same engine), and it was silk.
Driver version .... lemme run dxdiag ... an update might help, but it'll be a tedious PITA; I'm on 9.12, dated 19 December 2012. (The computer was only purchased at the start of February, this year.) And updating that is indeed next on my list of things to try.
Not right now, though. I've been suffering from insomnia all night, and I _know_ my overtired self hasn't the patience for driver-wrangling.
May 2 2013, 11:27 AM
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ May 2 2013, 11:40 AM)

Not patronising at all.
good, sometimes I revert to form, and almost speak in 101101001001001111 ... nerdspeak as my girl calls it.
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ May 2 2013, 11:40 AM)

Driver version .... lemme run dxdiag ... an update might help, but it'll be a tedious PITA; I'm on 9.12, dated 19 December 2012. (The computer was only purchased at the start of February, this year.) And updating that is indeed next on my list of things to try.
Not right now, though. I've been suffering from insomnia all night, and I _know_ my overtired self hasn't the patience for driver-wrangling.
yeah it's never fun, now here is where I get a thunderbolt from the heavens or flamed by the remainder of the population..
"I have never uninstalled an AMD Driver, just install the latest package over the top" ... it has worked and of course YMMV
but it's not as complex as has been in years past. hunting for driver cleaners and registry cleaners etc.
May 2 2013, 01:28 PM
Only going from Green to Red or the other way around have i ever deleted old drivers before installing new ones . .
May 2 2013, 04:31 PM
One thing I noticed was the gun - you don't actually have to seat the magazine yourself, just get it somewhere up the magazine well, and it seats the clip for you. That's totally smartgun stuff there.
May 2 2013, 07:50 PM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ May 2 2013, 11:31 AM)

One thing I noticed was the gun - you don't actually have to seat the magazine yourself, just get it somewhere up the magazine well, and it seats the clip for you. That's totally smartgun stuff there.
All the reload animations are pure unadulterated awesome!
On the downside... Yeah, the war on drugs is alive and well in gaming again...
May 2 2013, 11:11 PM
Screw waiting until finals are graded, I downloaded it and fired it up this afternoon. Needed a break from working and being productive and crap. So far, so fun! Just wiped out some mutant turtles living in sewers beneath a research lab.
May 2 2013, 11:32 PM
QUOTE (Critias @ May 2 2013, 06:11 PM)

Screw waiting until finals are graded, I downloaded it and fired it up this afternoon. Needed a break from working and being productive and crap. So far, so fun! Just wiped out some mutant turtles living in sewers beneath a research lab.
Two of the little bastards was waiting for me with a trap!
May 3 2013, 12:43 AM
I'll be honest, my biggest problem with the game so far is that it's just friggin' hard to see sometimes. The dark and moody vibe goes a wee bit overboard sometimes, and I genuinely just have problem seeing a lot of the time.
Gameplay itself is fun, I don't mind the abstracted/simplified leveling system too bad (man, do I miss Heavy Beatdown, though)...and all in all I'm still having a good time with it (and cracking up pretty often). I just might have to play with my video settings a little to brighten things up a bit.
May 3 2013, 01:18 AM
I needed to boost brightness high on my HDTV, but it looks great on my monitor. The enemies are Neon-Lit up which helps. A lot!
May 3 2013, 12:34 PM
QUOTE (Critias @ May 3 2013, 01:43 AM)

and all in all I'm still having a good time with it (and cracking up pretty often).
this is what I was hoping for and Waiting for, if I can get rid of 'er indoors for a bit this 3 day weekend, I'll be paying I hope ..
More than likely though, I'll be pressure washing the decking and weather proofing the fence ... damn I hate summer
May 4 2013, 06:49 AM
Final view of the game: If you know someone who doesn't know the '80s, show them this game, and say, "This is the '80s. The awesome parts. Be glad you missed some parts, and I'm sorry you missed the rest."
My RPG group has a 20-year old who has to constantly remind us that she hasn't seen half the movies we're talking about. Including Ghostbusters (despite the fact that she's playing "Betty White, Nazi Hunter" in the game.).
May 4 2013, 10:14 AM
Make her sit down, if you have to, forcefully tie her to a chair and make her watch them god damned movies . .
Sheesh what do they teachchildren nowadays? <.<;,
May 4 2013, 05:46 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 4 2013, 05:14 AM)

Make her sit down, if you have to, forcefully tie her to a chair and make her watch them god damned movies . .
Sheesh what do they teachchildren nowadays? <.<;,
Her fiance is working on educating her.
May 4 2013, 06:05 PM
i mean . . you wanna play Ghostbusters?
you should at least study the material it's based on <.<
May 4 2013, 06:32 PM
It doesn't help that my Ghostbusters DVDs seems to have wandered off during a move.
May 5 2013, 04:01 AM
You be very surprised on how many students I tutored who have never seen Star Wars, Ghostbusters, the original Superman, Tim Burton's Batman, Full Metal Jacket, etc.
May 5 2013, 04:09 AM
QUOTE (Starglyte @ May 4 2013, 11:01 PM)

You be very surprised on how many students I tutored who have never seen Star Wars, Ghostbusters, the original Superman, Tim Burton's Batman, Full Metal Jacket, etc.
Dear $Deity, what are they teaching kids today!
Full Metal Jacket should be fifth grade education material, minimum!
May 5 2013, 06:15 AM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 4 2013, 09:09 PM)

Dear $Deity, what are they teaching kids today!
Full Metal Jacket should be fifth grade education material, minimum!
Along with The Deer Hunter.
May 5 2013, 09:04 AM
it's quite surprising how many people don't know what we are talking about with stuff we consider bare bones of edumacation sometimes . .
May 5 2013, 02:29 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 4 2013, 10:09 PM)

Dear $Deity, what are they teaching kids today!
Full Metal Jacket should be fifth grade education material, minimum!
Tell me about it. We had a lecture about the Cold War, only to find out the vast majority of the class was born after it....
I asked in the tutoring session who won the Vietnam War to get a feel on what they know. Their response was "Us?".....
They only know the Vietnam War from Call of Duty and Forrest Gump.
Back on topic, first game I bought from Xbox live and I am loving it! My next Shadowrun character will be Rex Power Colt, and all the 80s cheese that goes with it.
May 5 2013, 06:58 PM
Well, there's their confusion, Vietnam was a "Police Action" that had so much action a draft had to be done.
May 9 2013, 03:41 AM
By all that is holy I just discovered the trailer for this game.
I literally screamed with joy when the protagonist was named (scared the hell out of my dog) and immediately hit buy. I don't even care if the game play sucks, I am a hardcore 80's awesomeness junky.
Stupid download is taking too long, and I don't have enough beer.
May 9 2013, 06:33 AM
QUOTE (Remnar @ May 8 2013, 10:41 PM)

By all that is holy I just discovered the trailer for this game.
I literally screamed with joy when the protagonist was named (scared the hell out of my dog) and immediately hit buy. I don't even care if the game play sucks, I am a hardcore 80's awesomeness junky.
Stupid download is taking too long, and I don't have enough beer.
It's unadulterated '80s awesome, enjoy!
May 9 2013, 06:20 PM
I only got a few hours in last night but it did two things right away. 1) Made me laugh until tears on several parts and 2) Made me realize I haven't finished Borderlands 2 yet, and that I need to do that.
Love the pistol, wish I had more ammo for it.
May 10 2013, 04:43 PM
QUOTE (Remnar @ May 9 2013, 08:20 PM)

Love the pistol, wish I had more ammo for it.
Really? Hated it. (But never used it after a while - maybe it gets better) I was more into the Sniper-Rifle with exploding Bullets and the quad-barreled auto-shotgun *g*
Well, i just finished the game yesterday and wanted to talk about it. Luckily there was a thread here *g*.
I liked the game. Not all of it, not even most of it. I played it in a very strange order: First i completed EVERYTHING on the side (The Garrisons, the side-quests, the collections). THAT was a boring and generic but playable.
But after that i began the Main-Quest (As a full Lvl 30, 4th Generation CYBER-COMMANDO) and i have to say: It was some of the terribly written, crappiest, funniest and awesomest shit i have ever played. Now... i began to think about why it was so fun for me.
Far-off year 2007: Suspension of disbelief challenged, but not broken. I think this has to do with my age. When i played the game i was... like 15 again. So 16 years ago. Sure. 2007 wasn't THAT far in the future. But i also watched 80's movies on television when i was that age, of course. And the mood there was so different. so i was hanging between the realistic futuristic outlook and the weird retro-future. And i liked that old style more.
Short Shadowrun interlude: This is why i am still ok with having a comlink be a cell-phone which weighs half a kilogramm and Data being measured in HUGE mega-pulse blocks for stuff like audio and video. Just because it is untrue in real life doesn't mean it is weird in-game.
Plot-Twists with no foreshadowing and making no sense
(Spoilers - don't read if you want to be pleasantly surprised in the game)
[ Spoiler ]
"TEST YOUR MIGHT" - So i am killing Undead zombies now... SURE, why not?
"Killstar detected" - a WHAT? - Umm, ok, i will just weld it to my arm
"I am an armored Blood Dragon with a fusiongun - Your killstar controls me" - I am not going to question that... YEEEHA
These parts were really like an odd 80ies movie were they lacked vision, funds... maybe went through different scrips, writers, directors or had to "borrow" footage from other movies. And at least the last half hour was just great.
[ Spoiler ]
Especially the worst sex-scene EVER and the training montage *g*
So i can recommend the game just because of the main-quest. It is an example of a game designed to make you smile and feel good.
May 10 2013, 04:49 PM
So, kinda like a mix between Fallout3/Bulletstorm then?
May 10 2013, 05:10 PM
It is a bit like Bulletstorm. Only that the cutscenes are like SNES, "slightly animated" cutscenes (But with full and awesome voice acting though)
Do you remember the "Waggleton P. Tallylicker" -Sequence in Bulletstorm? That is the feeling. Not really the gameplay is what is fun... it is more the: "LOOK WHAT I AM DOING. I Can't believe someone let me do this" which is fun.
And at the start someone "Hacks" a Missile-control mainframe. It begins with: "FISTLINK enabled", if i remember correctly, and involved rewriting the motherboard and shit *g*.
May 10 2013, 05:22 PM
"Waggleton P. Tallylicker"
i just watched that on youtube
May 11 2013, 01:53 AM
I must have issues because I can't hit a damned thing with the sniper rifle.. it has no crosshairs...
I've finally got the minigun, and I basically just spam that until shotguns are necessary. I'll still use the silenced pistol quite a bit if I'm sneaking about and don't want to be bothered with sneaking up to a lone enemy. Quick 3-round headshot and move on with my life. I'm doing what you did though, mostly wandering about and killing various animals and clearing garrisons. Most of my main quests involve a small amount of sneaking, saying "F-IT" and massacring with minigun, shotgun and grenade spam. Lots of grenade spam.
My two favorite parts thus far were the hacking cutscene and Rex's response to when the doctor offeres him the syringe. Also, if you haven't read all the data in the refrence library and stuff (animal, character, weapon descriptions etc) you really should, freaking hillarious.
May 11 2013, 02:01 AM
QUOTE (Summerstorm @ May 10 2013, 04:43 PM)

Far-off year 2007: Suspension of disbelief challenged, but not broken. I think this has to do with my age. When i played the game i was... like 15 again. So 16 years ago. Sure. 2007 wasn't THAT far in the future. But i also watched 80's movies on television when i was that age, of course. And the mood there was so different. so i was hanging between the realistic futuristic outlook and the weird retro-future. And i liked that old style more.
Short Shadowrun interlude: This is why i am still ok with having a comlink be a cell-phone which weighs half a kilogramm and Data being measured in HUGE mega-pulse blocks for stuff like audio and video. Just because it is untrue in real life doesn't mean it is weird in-game.
I'm definately the same here. I never liked SR 4th ED's attempts to get with the times with commlinks and wireless. Personally, Shadowrun's appeal was very much for that 80's flair and technology. I loved that it was horribly outdated compared to our modern times in some sense, yet wildly advanced in others. It never hurt my immersion. Making it more realistic hurts my immersion far more.
Then again, I absolutely love early pulp science fiction as well. I must have read Burroughs' Barsoom series a dozen times, and I'm even now re-reading Andre Norton's Solar Queen series.
May 16 2013, 06:06 PM
This is literally the greatest fucking video game I have ever played.
I must have issues because I can't hit a damned thing with the sniper rifle.. it has no crosshairs...
Explosive ammo really helps. Kobracon's my favorite weapon hands down. Proper assault cannon. If only it had a silencer.
May 16 2013, 07:36 PM
Introduced a friend of mine to it. His favorite thing to say now is: "Blah, blah, blah, kill, blah blah blah."
May 16 2013, 08:29 PM
May 16 2013, 08:52 PM
QUOTE (Critias @ May 2 2013, 07:11 PM)

Screw waiting until finals are graded, I downloaded it and fired it up this afternoon. Needed a break from working and being productive and crap. So far, so fun! Just wiped out some mutant turtles living in sewers beneath a research lab.
Was pizza involved?
May 20 2013, 06:15 PM
Finished the main parts this weekend. The last level is ... epic. I think my girlfriend thought I was crazy due to the fits of giggles and outright laughing out loud for the last bit. Turns out I guess it's a graphics bug on the Kobracon, its apparently supposed to have crosshairs? I got explosive ammo and it didin't really matter where the bullet actually hit anyhow. The bow is cheating though, it's two awesome to use fairly, pretty sure its considered a warcrime.
So basically it's like the writers of the game decided to make a game as perfectly, awesomly, tailrored to fit me and my mentality as possible. Bravo!
I want MOAR!
Edit for grammar failure.
May 22 2013, 01:57 AM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 16 2013, 02:36 PM)

Introduced a friend of mine to it. His favorite thing to say now is: "Blah, blah, blah, kill, blah blah blah."
Things you DON'T want Mr. Johnson to hear the street samurai say when recapping the run specs. : )
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