May 7 2013, 03:46 AM
I know the game comes with a level designer, which implies the capability to create and share your own missions. So! Are there any plans / is there any interest in converting Seattle based missions seasons to Shadowrun Returns when it comes out?
May 10 2013, 07:22 AM
Disclaimer: I'm not Bull. This is just me brainstormin', I'm in no way officially affiliated with the Missions line (except for a very specific handful of adventures).
That said, I can't imagine there are any official plans for it. It's important to remember that Returns is set over twenty years before the current timeline that Missions uses, and it's also important to note how much the setting itself has changed in that time. So not only can you not really swap characters from Missions to the game and back (in terms of transferring over your nuyen and karma and junk), but in many instances the character types that are available are wildly different -- no wireless Matrix, no Technomancers, Shaman do way different stuff, different megacorporations are around, different guys are running Seattle, etc, etc. Lots of plotlines wouldn't make sense in the 2050s that do in the 2070s, and vice versa.
I think it's a cool idea to have a community "pool" of cool adventures, but when it happens, I don't think it will be anything directly linked to Missions. I don't think it can be.
May 10 2013, 03:18 PM
Those are good points I hadn't entirely thought about. But, where there's a will there's a way... >D However, there were some SR3 missions, weren't there? I think I remember seeing at least one season...
I realize there's probably not an official plan to do so (But if there is, Bull gets all my internets and all my cookies, but would there be community support for this? Beyond "Sure I'd play it."
May 10 2013, 04:16 PM
Personally, I've considered converting the old 2050 era adventures.
May 10 2013, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (bannockburn @ May 10 2013, 11:16 AM)
Personally, I've considered converting the old 2050 era adventures.
Me too... Dreamchipper, Queen Euphoria, and Missing Blood for starters.
May 10 2013, 09:23 PM
If anyone wants to do a "Best attempt at..." conversion of the Season 4 Missions, feel free. It would be awesome to see.
However, for the reasons Critias outlined plus others such as lack of time and manpower, it's not something we have planned.
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